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UNLEASHED COMBAT POWER,              ???%━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━"Baby, you got somethin' in your nose  Sniffin' that K, did you feel the hole?"*ੈ✩‧₊𖤓

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"Baby, you got somethin' in your nose
  Sniffin' that K, did you feel the hole?"

AKIRA'S NIGHTLY STROLL was her way of winding down after long days of unpacking and settling into her new life back in Japan. The cool air and the relative quiet of the night gave her a sense of peace she cherished. She had chosen a route that took her through Minami General Hospital's vicinity, a familiar landmark from her past.

As she rounded a corner near the hospital, she noticed two figures running frantically. One was a boy around her age, and the other—a sight that made her heart skip a beat—was a fully humanoid kaiju. She froze, unsure if she should run or scream.

Before she could decide, the boy spotted her. His eyes widened, and he broke into a sprint toward her. "Wait! Please don't call the Defense Force!" he pleaded, desperation lacing his voice.

Akira blinked, her hand instinctively reaching for her phone. "What's going on? Who are you?" she demanded, her voice steady despite the situation.

The kaiju, remarkably human in its movements and expressions, stopped a few paces behind the boy. "Please, don't call them," it echoed, its voice surprisingly gentle. "We're not here to hurt anyone."

Against her better judgment, Akira found herself rooted to the spot, her curiosity piqued. "Why shouldn't I? I mean, You're a kaiju," she said, her eyes darting between the boy and the creature.

"We're from Monster Sweeper Inc.," the boy explained quickly. "I'm Reno Ichikawa, and this is Kafka Hibino. We clean up after kaiju attacks, and Kafka... well, he's not like the others."

Akira's gaze softened slightly, confusion replacing her initial concern. "What do you mean, not like the others?"

"He said some sort of small Kaiju flew into his mouth and he swallowed it, causing him to turn into one!" Reno explained, Kafka nodded his head along with the story. His Kaiju form had large plates with dorsal spines cover the back of his head and neck (above his shoulders) the very top one being white.

As for his head, it could've been described as a 'demonic skull-face' with two short, thick horns, a hole for a nose, and sharp, exposed teeth. His eyes were black sclera with a cyan iris.

Kafka groaned, his body contorting in a way that made Akira step back. A bizarre transformation began, Kafka's mouth opening unnaturally wide as another mouth emerged, devouring a crow mid-flight. The creature then reverted to its previous humanoid form.

"I... I need to pee," Kafka mumbled, his voice strained. To Akira's utter disbelief, liquid started to seep from his nipples. Kafka's face turned crimson with shame. "I don't want to be anyone's bride," he muttered miserably.

Akira's face twisted in a mixture of disgust and bewilderment. "What the fuck...?" she whispered, unable to look away from the bizarre scene.

Reno sighed, looking genuinely apologetic. "I'm sorry you have to see this. It's... complicated." Akira just shook her head and leaned against a nearby brick wall to catch her breath.

Everyone had stopped running for a while to recover a bit more stamina. As Kafka composed himself, a thought struck him. "Maybe I have a chance with the Defense Force in this form," he said, a hint of hope in his voice.

"They'll kill you on sight," Reno said flatly.

Akira nodded in agreement. "He's right. I'm trying out for the Defense Force myself, and trust me, they don't take kindly to kaiju, no matter how human they seem. Either that or they'll keep you as some sort of lab rat."

Kafka's expression darkened, it seemed as if he had been irritated. Suddenly, he tensed, his senses honing in on something nearby. "There's a Yoju monster close by," he said, urgency in his voice. "Like the one from yesterday."

Reno's eyes widened. "This is our chance. The Defense Force will be too busy with the Yoju to notice us."

Elsewhere, the Yoju monster was causing havoc. A small girl and her mother were trapped beneath a large piece of debris, the Yoju looming over them. Tears poured from her large eyes as she tried desperately to help her mother escape.

Just as it was about to strike, Kafka arrived, delivering a powerful punch that sent the creature staggering back.

He turned to the terrified child, his monstrous appearance doing little to comfort her. "It's okay. I'm here to help," he said softly, though his voice only made the child cry harder.

"Reno, Akira, get the child and her mother to safety," Kafka ordered, turning his attention back to the Yoju. With a roar, he punched the creature with all his might. The Yoju exploded in a shower of blood and kaiju body parts, painting the night in a gruesome tableau.

As the rain of gore subsided, Kafka turned to the child. "Reno will take you and your mother to the hospital. I'll go away so you won't be scared."

Akira watched, holding the little girl in her arms as her tears stained her shirt. Despite his appearance and classification as a humanoid Kaiju, he had shown immense courage and compassion.

As he turned to leave, the child's voice called out, "Thank you."

Kafka paused, a soft smile touching his monstrous face. He recalled his promise to Mina, his resolve strengthening. He would try for the Defense Force, no matter the odds.

"I'm going to try for the Defense Force," he told Reno, his form beginning to shift back to human. "I have to."

Reno nodded, understanding the weight of Kafka's decision. "We'll figure it out."

Akira watched the transformation with a mix of awe and apprehension. As Kafka reverted to his human form, she realized that despite the absurdity of the situation, there was something profoundly human about him.

With the immediate danger passed, Akira decided it was time to go. She made her way back to her apartment, promising to keep Kafka's secret. As she walked, her mind raced with the events of the night. She had met a kaiju that wasn't just a mindless beast, but a creature capable of kindness and heroism.

She reached her apartment, the familiar surroundings doing little to calm her racing thoughts. She had encountered something extraordinary tonight, something that challenged everything she knew about kaiju.

Akira sat on her bed, her mind replaying Kafka's transformation, his awkward yet genuine attempts at heroism, and the way Reno had stood by him, unwavering in his support.

She had found unlikely allies in her dreams to become a Defense Force Officer, and despite the chaos, she felt a strange sense of optimism knowing she wasn't truly alone.

Promising herself to keep Kafka's secret safe, Akira laid back, her eyes slowly drifting shut. She had a feeling that this was just the beginning of something much bigger, something that would test her resolve and redefine her understanding of what it meant to be a so called "hero."

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