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UNLEASHED COMBAT POWER,              ?37%━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━"The career's more at stake when you in your prime     Fuck that paper, baby, my face on the dotted line

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"The career's more at stake when you in your prime
Fuck that paper, baby, my face on the dotted line."


The examinees jumped off the platform and raced into the training grounds. Their faces were determined and ready for whatever came their way.

Akira and Kikoru were leagues ahead of everyone else, running alongside opposing buildings. Akira, just a few meters behind Kikoru, pushed herself harder, her legs pumping with fierce determination.

The others lingered behind, their emotions a mix of determination and unexpectedness as they saw Akira and Kikoru pull away. The obvious talent gap between themselves and the two females was a stark reminder of the heights they still needed to reach.

"Damn, so your combat power makes this much of a difference, huh," Iharu remarked, his voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and confusion as he watched Akira and Kikoru disappear into the distance.

"Seems so," Haruichi replied, a competitive edge creeping into his tone. "But don't think for a second I'm gonna let them get too ahead of themselves. After all, we can't let them steal all the glory."

Landing on the side of a taller building, her amber irises glowed with concentration as they fixed on a Yoju.

"Target sighted."

Akira rushed towards the Kaiju, slinging the rifle behind her back. She quickly pulled both combat blades from the side pockets, her movements fluid and precise. The Yoju loomed ahead, its monstrous form casting a menacing shadow across the battlefield.

With a tenacious glint in her eye, Akira sprang into action. She darted towards the creature, her blades glinting in the sunlight. In a flash, she leaped into the air, executing a series of rapid, spinning motions. Her blades sliced through the air with deadly accuracy.

Akira's movements were a blur, a perfect blend of agility and strength. She twisted mid-air, her blades finding their mark as she targeted the Yoju's underbelly. With each spin, she cut deeper, her blades carving through the thick hide with ease.

The creature let out a deafening roar, its massive form shaking under the assault.

In a final, powerful maneuver, Akira completed her spinning motion, her blades making a final, decisive cut. The Yoju's roar turned into a gurgling whimper as it collapsed to the ground, its underbelly torn open. Akira landed gracefully, her blades dripping with the creature's blood.

The entire encounter had lasted only a few seconds, a sly smile appeared as she breathed through her nose. She stood over the fallen beast, her chest heaving with exertion, but her eyes were sharp. "I mean the results speak for themselves.." she complimented herself, sheathing her blades.

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