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UNLEASHED COMBAT POWER,              ???%━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━"Twenty-forty-eighty out the trapHit it with the rap, put it on the mapThen we right back

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"Twenty-forty-eighty out the trap
Hit it with the rap, put it on the map
Then we right back."

THREE MONTHS HAVE PASSED since fateful night Akira encountered Kafka Hibino in his kaiju form and Reno Ichikawa near Minami General Hospital. She was back to her new training program and life had become almost normal, but the memory of that strange night was still there in the back of her mind.

Now working as a waitress at a quaint bakery café, Akira had settled into her new routine. The café was a cozy spot, frequented by regulars and new customers alike.

It was a perfect place for her to blend in, to observe the world around her while remaining relatively unnoticed.

She wore a simple uniform—a white blouse, black skirt, and an apron that bore the café's logo. Her brown skin and amber eyes often drew curious glances, but she had grown accustomed to it.

It was a typical morning shift, and the café was bustling with activity. Akira moved with practiced ease, taking orders, serving pastries, and making small talk with the customers. The TV mounted on the wall above the counter played the morning news, its volume low but audible enough for those who were interested.

"Breaking news," the anchor's voice caught Akira's attention as she served a steaming cup of coffee to a customer. "The Defense Force is still on the lookout for Kaiju No. 8, the first kaiju they have been unable to neutralize since their founding. Sightings of the humanoid kaiju continue to be reported across various locations, causing widespread concern."

Akira's heart skipped a beat as the screen displayed a grainy image of Kafka in his kaiju form. She had seen him like that only once, but it was an image she could never forget. Her mind drifted back to that night—the fear, the confusion, and the unexpected camaraderie that had formed between her, Reno, and Kafka.

"Akira," her manager's voice snapped her back to the present. "Isn't that kaiju terrifying? I bet it's dead by now, though. The Defense Force won't rest until they get it."

Akira nodded absentmindedly, choosing to stay quiet. She couldn't risk revealing her connection to Kafka. Her manager, a middle-aged woman with a no-nonsense attitude, left the room to check the mailbox, leaving Akira alone with her thoughts.

Moments later, her manager returned, holding a stack of letters. She handed one to Akira, its official-looking envelope instantly recognizable. "This came for you," she said with a hint of curiosity.

Akira's heart raced as she took the letter, her fingers trembling slightly. She knew it was time to see her results from the first stage examination for the Defense Force. With a deep breath, she opened the envelope and read the contents. A smile spread across her face as she realized she had passed the exam.

"Congratulations, Akira!" her manager exclaimed, patting her on the back. "I knew you could do it."

"Thank you," Akira replied, her voice filled with gratitude. "I couldn't have done it without your support."

After her shift ended, Akira decided to do some grocery shopping. As she browsed the aisles, her mind wandered to Kafka and Reno. She wondered if they had also passed their exams. Just as she placed a carton of milk into her basket, her phone buzzed with a text message from Reno.

"We passed! Did you?" the message read.

Akira's face lit up with a smile as she quickly typed a response.

"Yes! I passed! I guess we'll meet at the
second examination!
Tell Kafka I said congratulations lol."

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, Akira completed her shopping and headed home. Upon arriving, she called her parents to share the good news. Her mother was ecstatic, showering her with praise and encouragement. Her father, however, remained skeptical.

"Just be careful, Akira," he warned. "The Defense Force is no joke. I still don't think this is the right path for you."

"I'll be careful, Dad. I promise," Akira reassured him, though she knew his concerns stemmed from a place of love.

Ten days later, the day of the second stage examination arrived. Akira felt a mixture of excitement and anxiety as she drove to the Nishi-Tokyo Testing Site, located at the Defense Force's Tachikawa Base. The parking lot was already filling up with cars, each representing a hopeful candidate ready to prove their worth.

As she pulled into parking space number 52, Akira took a moment to calm herself. As Akira stepped out of her car, she took in the bustling scene at the Nishi-Tokyo Testing Site. Aspirants filled the lot, each with their own stories and dreams of joining the Defense Force. She spotted Kafka and Reno and headed over, a smile playing on her lips.

Just as she reached them, a girl with striking blonde hair approached. She glanced at Kafka and wrinkled her nose. "Hey, old man," she called out, her voice clear and mocking.

Kafka blinked in confusion and looked around, then back at her. "Are you talking to me?"

Reno and Akira exchanged amused glances. Kafka, clearly taken aback, sputtered, "I'm only 32! That's not old!"

The girl shrugged nonchalantly. "Sure it is. Can you move your car? I want to park here."

Kafka frowned. "There are plenty of other spaces. Why does it have to be this one?"

"My lucky number today is five, and you're in space 55," she said matter-of-factly. "Move your rust bucket so I can park."

Kafka's agitation grew. "This truck is company property, and you have a dozen other options. Why don't you park somewhere else?"

The girl crossed her arms, her expression turning even more disdainful. "Your truck is a rust bucket, and it's in my spot. Move it."

Kafka's patience snapped. "Listen, you little snotty-nosed villain, I'll teach you a lesson about respect!"

Akira, suppressing a giggle thinking to herself. "Did ole girl really just call his truck a rust bucket?!"

The girl rolled her eyes and shrugged off her jacket, revealing a sleek black suit that glowed with power. "Fine, I'll move it myself." She walked over to Kafka's truck, and with one arm, she lifted it effortlessly and tossed it to the side.

Akira tilted her head slightly in awe, while Reno and Kafka mirrored her reaction, their jaws dropping.

"My truck!" Kafka whined, looking at the displaced vehicle in despair.

Reno, still wide-eyed, turned to the girl. "Who are you?"

The girl straightened, her expression proud and unyielding. "Kikoru Shinomiya, examinee number 2016. My hobby is hunting kaiju. Don't you dare forget it."

Akira's mind clicked, recognizing the name. "Shinomiya... she's the daughter of General Isao Shinomiya," she murmured to Reno.

Reno nodded, the connection clear now. "No wonder she's so strong."

Kikoru turned her gaze back to Kafka, a smirk playing on her lips. "Old man, why do you reek of kaiju?"

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