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   UNLEASHED COMBAT POWER,              ???%━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   "Oh, you're abominable, socially   You're just a little bit too much like me

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"Oh, you're abominable, socially
   You're just a little bit too much like me."

AKIRA STEPPED off the plane at Narita International Airport, the bustling activity of the terminal a stark contrast to the laid-back atmosphere she had grown accustomed to in California.

Her amber eyes took in the familiar sights, a sense of both nostalgia and anticipation welling up inside her. It had been a year since she left Japan, and the return felt refreshing.

She adjusted the strap of her leather duffle bag on her shoulder, her appearance turning a few heads as she made her way through the terminal.

Akira's brown skin glowed under the artificial lights, her hazel brown eyes reflecting a quiet determination. Her plump, glossy lips formed a slight smile as she navigated through the crowd, her movements fluid and confident.

She wore a short, light denim skirt, paired with a white Converse sneakers and a white sleeveless ribbed blouse. She adorns an oversized, square-shaped platinum necklace and sunglasses with an orange tint.

Her tri-colored box braids are lengthy and fall well over her waist. Several intricate tattoos of Tiger Lilies and water lilies adorned her arms & thigh area.

After clearing customs, Akira hailed a taxi and gave the driver the address of her new apartment in Shibuya. As the taxi sped through the busy streets of Tokyo, she gazed out the window, taking in the neon lights and towering buildings that had been absent from her life for the past year.

Despite the overwhelming urban landscape, there was a familiarity to it that made her feel at ease.

"That fuckin' plane ride fiasco killed my sleeping schedule and my body," Akira muttered to herself, her voice a mix of irritation and exhaustion as she scrolled through her phone, looking at recent events of more Kaiju attacks in Japan.

Her phone buzzed with a message from her mother.

"Have you arrived safely? How's the new place?"

Akira quickly typed back a response.

"Just got here. Haven't seen the apartment yet, but I'll let you know once I'm settled."

The taxi pulled up in front of a sleek, modern high-rise building. Akira paid the driver and stepped out, taking a moment to appreciate the architecture before heading inside.

The lobby was pristine, with polished marble floors and a contemporary design that exuded luxury. She checked in with the receptionist, who handed her the keys to her new apartment on the 15th floor. As the elevator ascended, Akira glanced at her reflection in the mirrored walls.

Despite her travel-weary appearance, there was a slight spark in her amber eyes. She adjusted her denim jean skirt and combed through her braids, trying to look a bit more presentable.

The doors opened to reveal a long hallway, and Akira made her way to her apartment. She unlocked the door and stepped inside, taking a deep breath as she surveyed her new home.

It was compact but stylish, with large windows that offered a stunning view of the Tokyo skyline. The minimalist décor and modern furnishings made the space feel inviting and comfortable.

"The paint on the wall looks fresh, must've made some minor adjustments before I landed." Akira deduced, her eyes scanning the beautiful framed paintings of different landscapes as she picked up most of her luggage and hauled it into the living room.

She spent the next few hours unpacking her belongings, arranging her books and personal items to make the apartment feel more like home.

The scent of fresh paint and new furniture mingled with the faint aroma of the jasmine-scented candles she had lit, creating a soothing atmosphere. Akira scribbled some notes down; her handwriting was nice and neatly written on a sticky note.

She placed it on the fridge, folding her arms against her chest."I'll do all of this..tomorrow!"

Akira made the decision to go for a walk around her new neighborhood after settling in. Before leaving, she dressed casually in an enormous gray hoodie, black leggings, sneakers, and purple headphones perched atop her head.

The streets were alive with activity, the energy of the city invigorating her despite her fatigue. She wandered aimlessly, letting her feet guide her through the labyrinthine streets, the neon lights casting a vibrant glow on her brown skin.

Her thoughts drifted to the reason she had returned to Japan—the desire to join the Defense Force and make a difference in the fight against the kaiju that plagued the country.

Her mind buzzed with memories of her childhood friends, lost to the monstrous creatures, and her resolve to prevent others from experiencing the same pain. Her father, Hiruzen, was never in favor of Akira enlisting in the Defense Force.

It always seemed too risky to him. His desire was for her to go for something less risky, something that wouldn't endanger her life every day.

'Maybe I'm in over my head on this one, but I'm here..'

'Got no choice but to make it work I guess.'

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