Chapter Four

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[Excuse any errors.]

Last night was aiight. The Simmons were pretty chilled. Ms. Simmons (or Alicia but I ain't about to call her by her name), was really welcoming. Brandon, who I'd been informed earlier was schizo, was aiight. He wasn't what I expected him to be.

I thought he'd be shutting himself out from the group, although he did that a few times, he joined in when the convo went towards him. Bernie is a hellava cute kid. She kept laughing even when she didn't get what was said.

Bianca was everything Gabi had described. I'd caught myself checking her out for a minute but that ain't a crime.

I can't imagine anyone being mad at her. She just made you happy. Plus she got brains.

Y'all prolly thinking imma go after that but I ain't about that. I know how girls are and if we had something going on and it didn't work out, there'd be tension between her and Gabi. I wasn't about to mess up a good thing.

I was in my room getting ready to head out. I was in a black tee with black ripped jeans and Timbs. I fucks heavy with black bruh.

I grabbed my bag off of the floor and headed downstairs to find Gabi with her head on the counter on some all-grey tip. I chuckled and walked up to her and tapped her on her shoulder, placing my bag beside her and walking towards the covered plate next to the stove.

"This mine?" I looked over at her and she nodded in response. She looks like shit. I chuckled at that.

"Whats the matter with you, ma?" I quizzed walking over to the island and hopping on top of it. I started eating like a caveman up in this. I was hella hungry.

"You! I don't have to be in school for more than another hour."she vented. Okay, I didn't see that one coming. Rita had forced her to wake up so that she could help me out with getting my shit together at school.

"Sorry, sis. It ain't me thou. What? Would you rather I wasn't here now?" I poked my bottom lip out. She just stared at me. This chick is cold.

"Yes!" she tried to fake anger but she was lying. She stood up and stomped out of the kitchen and I burst out laughing. Rita walked in and I quickly hopped off of the counter. I ain't want her yelling at me yet. I walked over to the sink to wash my dish while she went over to the fridge.

"Where's Gabrielle going cause we're leaving." she asked as she pointed towards the direction Gabi had went off in. I shrugged and dryed off my plate.

"She's mad cause she losing out on her beauty sleep." I chuckled and she laughed heading back out to fetch Gabi I guess. I put my plate away and grabbed my bag, walking towards the living room to wait on them.

They came out in a few and Gabi had changed from her previous depressing outfit to a white cardigan, a multicolored summer dress and sandals. She'd put her hair up in a curly ponytail and had applied light make up on but she still looked a bit upset.

Rita wasn't dressed up much cause she'd be coming back to the house.

She had her bag with her and Rita was behind her.

"Can you believe she went back to bed?" she asked, rhetorically of cause. I let out a light laugh at that as we all headed towards the door.


When we got to the school, there were only a few people hanging around. Some were against cars and others heading inside.

We walked in and headed towards the library as Gabi had wanted to check for someone there.

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