Live For Yourself

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"Greta the food is amazing! I literally have no idea how you do it!" Annie said with a full mouth. Everyone at our table laughed and nodded in agreement.

"Greta it really is the best food I've ever had!" I said raising a glass to her.

"Thank you alphas! That means so much, especially since you've been all around the world and have probably tasted every food on earth!" She spoke towards me.

"Well Annie is right, I don't know how you do it but it's amazing." Her smile beamed brightly but she said nothing and continued to eat. Greta was never loud, normally you wouldn't even notice her in the room until she spoke. Ann loved her food especially since the pregnancy started. The room quickly grew loud as people chatted and ate. The sound of dishes clinging and chairs scraping against the floor made everything feel like home. There was peace and joy in the air. This was family and as amazing as it felt I knew deep down that one of our family members were traitors and it was time to confirm our worst fears. Leaning over I kissed Annie on the cheek, giving her our signal. Standing up Annie picked up a glass and silverware. Lightly tapping the glass the room grew quiet.

"I would like to say a special thanks to all the cooks and help who worked so hard and diligently to make this little get together possible. Julian and I haven't had a lot of free time to just hang out with the pack and to be able to do this even with just a small part of the pack. It's so important to live and grow together as a community. We have been discussing this for a long time but we believe it's time to put Don to the side and just enjoy life while we can." Ever so gently she grabbed my hand. This was my cue. I stood and slightly push my chair back. Raising my own glass I studied the room. Not only was the group of teens and their families present as well as all the staff of the pack house, but Stefan, Doc, cheryl, and the whole border patrol team A was there. Everyone looked so happy.

"It has been too long since I've partook in a real pack party, which in my days they were called balls not parties", The group of people laughed. "but I think it's time the whole pack gets together. The cooks will go all out feeding hundreds, the staff will serve with excellence, and for one night we will all relax." The room was suddenly filled with chatter and cheers. "There's something else we have to announce as well." The room quieted down. "We would like to give Greta the opportunity to be head cook for the pack house, which entails being in charge over every worker in the kitchen and cleaning department and to be our personal chief on special occasions. This will not be an easy task but if you're willing to accept it know that you will have your very own place here in the house to make it easier on you, as well as a huge pay raise." Greta's eyes became glossy.

"I will accept the position! Oh thank you Alpha's, I owe you both so much!" She cried. Annie leaned over the table to hug her and handed her a napkin to dry her eyes.

"Just cook for me and my babies, that is all I'm asking!" Annie laughed making Greta join her.

"Oh yes! Everyday!" The room clapped in joy.

"We will send all the information for the pack party out tomorrow evening latest!" Annie cheered. "Julian and I have made one other huge decision. In the coming months we will rally all the alphas together to discuss whether we want to go back to the old ways. Having a head of the species as a mouth piece as well as a board to keep the head in line with the communities wants and needs. The head would be chosen by the alphas but it has to be unanimous or not at all. If the alphas decide that they would rather not have a board and head then we will continue to live as we do now."

"So would you or Annie be running for the head position?" Cheryl asked with curiosity. I looked at Annie. We had already discussed this.

"No, me nor Julian would be interested in that. I have my own pack to run as well as three babies to raise."

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