Chapter 1

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Wow, i didn't do the 'informational' chapter this time, that's new. BTW in this fic the mother is not Mumza, but don't worry she'll come along soon enough. Also, please look in the description for the warnings to this book, don't wanna have y'all be triggered by this book-


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3rd person POV:

"Happy birthday to you!" Several voices chanted at the same time. Today was September 23rd; or in other words it was Wilbur's birthday today. The brunette wasn't usually the type to be excited about his birthday, since he was never the one to like being in the center of attention. It made him feel kind of selfish to be in the center of attention for whatever reason, but there was no really stopping from having his birthday happen and be celebrated. "Who? WILBURR!!" Multible voices yelled out excitedly, Wilbur was awkwardly standing infront of the cake with the candles on it, he then thought of a wish and blew the candles out.

"What was your wish, Wilbur?" A voice of a 9 year old child asked eagerly, but didn't get an anwser to his question yet instead Wilbur anwsered: "Can't tell you, if i do tell you; then the wish won't come true!" The brunette stated, ruffling his younger brother's hair. "Awww man..Pleaseeee?" The blond 9 year old begged, but once again no avail came out of the boy's begging to his older brother. "Okay fineee!" The young boy finally gave up, and then looked at the gifts and then at his father. "Hey dad, can Wilbur open his presents now?" The blond boy asked, causing his father to roll his eyes with a smile on his face. "Not yet Tommy, we need to eat dinner first." The father anwsered as he helped his wife serve the food to the table.

The family was now eating dinner and speaking to eachother ever-so often, talking about things such as school, hobbys, friends and other stuff, then after a while the family finally ate dinner and helped eachother with cleaning all the plates and so-on off of the table. "Alright, guess what time it is..." The father half-asked after all of the stuff off the table has been cleaned up. "'s time for presents!" The winged man exclaimed, despite the loud tone; he seemed very calm and full of joy in the same time. "YAYYY!" The youngest of the family yelled out in excitement and turned to look at WIlbur, which he then walked beside him to the presents; the other family members behind the duo, each of them smiling warmly at the enthusiasm coming from the small 9 year old boy.

"Open mine first!" The young boy shouted cheerfully, causing Wilbur to turn his attention to the young boy and smirking a small bit. The scene then followed by the blonde boy giving a gift wrapped with some colourfull wrapping paper around it to the brunette, Wilbur almost immediately took it from Tommy, placed it on the floor and unwrapped the gift. And then when the gift had been opened; it revealed a small box, in which there was a pocket knife with a handle that was coloured in a beige colour, there was also a notebook, which had a small classical guitar illustrated in the middle and the rest of the notebook cover was coloured in a both dark-ish yellow colour and a bright yellow colour, which made a pretty good mix, causing the cover to look really cool, and there was also a fish plushie, and more specifically a salmon fish plsushie, which caused Wilbur to giggle a little.

"I bought the pocket knife with the help of Dadza, because it reminded me of you! The notebook also reminded me of you and you usually that you really like classical guitars; and the salmon fish plushie is because you seem like the kind of guy to like fish! Though i don't see the apeal in them myself , i just assumed you like them!" The blond boy explained, showing all sorts of emotions during the ramble such as thinking and happiness. "Hehe, thank you for these gifts, Toms!" Wilbur thanked joyfully. "My turn!" The mother said, smiling kindly and gave her gift to the brunette, which followed by Wilbur taking it and unwrapping the gift. First things that Wilbur saw were a yellow turtleneck, a yellow sweater and a black hoodie, which of course Wilbur liked the clothes, and then the next gifts were a few books, since Wilbur has been reading alot lately and clearly showed signs that he enjoyed reading. "Thank you, mother!" Wilbur thanked with a smile on his face. "You're welcome, dear!" The mother anwsered shortly.

It's Not That Bad, Right? ~ An SBI [Wilbur Soot-Centric] Angstfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now