
705 16 11

Rated M
Medieval AU
Warnings// sensitive content/ sexism/ extreme homophobia/ period typical homophobia/strong language/ Creepy mfs/
Words: 8790
This is kind of Game Of Thrones inspired

         Like all kings, Garen Crowngaurd was an idiot. And very, very, easy to rob. Well over half his men were drunk, even his hand.
      Jinx and her gang had broke into the castle more times than she could count on her two hands.  It was easy, and always rewarding. No one had the balls to go for such a big target. But her and her friends did.
They knew everyone in that castle.
     Of course there was that sad excuse for a king, Garen Crowngaurd, 'protector' of  the six kingdoms he had control of. The other seven were divided amongst kings and queens.
   His Aunt, Lady Tianna, who really did all of the work, as they found all the work was done in her keep.
    His Sister, Lady Luxanna, who wasn't much of a lady at all. More of a man than a woman.

    They didn't care, and it didn't matter who they robbed, as long as they had goods to sell. Obviously, they already had taken much more than they needed to just live.
    They weren't exactly common thieves. The Firelights they called themselves. They stole for the poor. They'd give the things they stole to other families, who'd pay well, especially those who didn't like the Crowngaurds.
    With that money, they'd buy crop and anything the people needed. If they didn't, no one would. The Crowngaurds did nothing for the people but smile and wave every now and then.

    All high houses were full of selfish assholes. Especially the Crowngaurds. That's why the Firelights had relocated. Zaun, their home kingdom, had fallen under the rule of the Kirammans. With Queen Cassandra and her daughters rule, it no longer needed their help. Demacia did.
   The Kirammans were the one house that wasn't completely full of shit. Jinx didn't like them. But they were better than the rest. Unlike most they took care of their people. It was unfortunate they weren't related to the Crowngaurds.


    It was the perfect night to steal, as it was Garen's wedding night. He was marrying Katrina Du Couteau of Noxus, likely for the power and allyship.

    The firelights all managed to get in through an unguarded window, quietly going their planned ways. They all dressed as if they had come for the wedding, in the case that they were spotted, with the exception of Jinx, who refused to wear the clothes of the rich. They were ugly.
Besides, she was never caught. She was the quickest and smartest of the firelights.

Her job was the sisters room. Which she thought was kind of lame, but she knew what kind of stuff the princess kept. As mentioned, she was more of a man than a lady. She kept weapons in her room, fine spears and swords forged with Demacian steel, advanced crossbows, and daggers with golden designs. Jinx had weapons as well, not as fancy though. What made Jinx more of a woman was the fact she wasn't a six foot two Lady of lands.
It didn't matter who was how much of a woman. What mattered was that Luxanna Crowngaurd had a lot of shiney things Jinx would kill to get her hands on. Maybe she'd keep a sword, she needed a new one.

Jinx has been in the room before when scoping out for the big night, and once on during a smaller robbery. Now she could finally take all those pretty little trinkets she'd seen.
She started at the dresser, rummaging through the clothes to see if anything especially valuable was hidden. As always, she was right.
A nice little necklace wrapped around a letter. Although her bags space was limited, Jinx took the letter too, might have something important. At best, blackmail.
  She grabbed every piece of jewellery, every dagger, anything that looked valuable. The nightstand even had a few pieces of chocolate, which was rare. She'd keep the chocolate for herself, she loved it, but rarely got it.
   She checked everywhere, the closet, underneath the bed, inside the mattress. And Inside the mattress she found the best thing. A nice, fairly fresh forged, Demacian steel sword with a hilt of gold and a blade strong enough to shatter other swords. She knew she'd have to keep it in a scabbard and hide the hilt if she wanted to keep it. Though it'd be a shame, paint over the gold as well.

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