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Warnings// sensitive content/ sexism/ extreme homophobia/ period typical homophobia/strong language/ Creepy mfs/ heavy themes/ gore
Words: 4200

Jinx had been much less aggressive since that night. She of course would still torment Lux, but she wouldn't harm her anymore. No kicking, no shoving, no tight restraints. Actually, there was no restraints at all.
    Lux had decided she'd run once they got to Piltover, she could get to Seraphine quicker that way. Plus, she was enjoying Jinx's company. Just a little.

They were a days ride away. The nights had been fairly normal, other than Jinx sleeping uncomfortably close since the nights were growing colder. Lux didn't mind all too much.
The terrain was much different. They rode close enough to the shore to see the ocean. The water was much lighter than the water in Demacia. There was less clouds as well. It was almost always cloudy in Demacia, but the skies grew clear as they neared Piltover.
She liked it.
If she somehow did live through everything, she'd want to stay there. It was much nicer than Demacia.

The gates were in sight close to sun down. They were clean stone with elaborate designs along them. At the gate, two guards stood with shining armour and the blue gem sigil design on their chest plates.
The guards watched them approach, and quickly smiled and waved after noticing Jinx, and Jinx waved back.
"Jinx!" One of them called. He was short, dark features, and seemed to be blind in one eye.
"I thought you wouldn't be back till late winter!"
"So did I," Jinx said slipping off of Mouser.
"How's it been here? Any trouble?" She asked, holding out her hand to help Lux down, which was unnecessary, but she accepted anyways.
"Good, I'm sure your sister will be pleased to see you." The man responded before glancing at Lux
"I haven't seen you before, friend of Jinx's?"
Before Lux could respond Jinx did for her
"Yep, she's just stopping here with me."
"How nice! I hope you enjoy your stay in the kingdom miss"
Lux smiled "Thank you"
Piltover even had nicer guards.
"I'd love to chat, but I gotta talk to Cait. We'll catch up soon yeah?" Jinx said grabbing Mousers rein.
"Of course, you know where to find me" he smiled motioning to the other man to help him open the gate.
Immediately Lux could tell how much better Piltover's people lived. The streets were clean, as were the houses, and the people. None of them appeared malnourished, none of them were covered in dirt, and none of them looked miserable.

They all seemed to know Jinx. They'd smile, they'd wave, some kids would run up to her and do some form of hand greeting with her, where they'd bump fists.
The streets weren't so crowded, and were made of cobble rather than dirt. There was no dumped chamber pots, no divots, and no one appeared homeless. Not only all of that, but it was beautiful. In the centre, was a large palace. It was taller than any building she'd seen, and the closer they got, the more detail she could see. It didn't even have gates around it preventing civilians from nearing it.

"It's amazing" Lux said following closely behind Jinx
"It's what caring looks like."
"If care made something this beautiful wouldn't you look a bit different?"
Jinx chuckled
"Maybe that's why you're so ugly, you don't care for your people enough."
"I couldn't do anything if I wanted."
Jinx shrugged and continued to lead her.

Demacia was atrocious compared to it. If she could, she would've changed things, now having seen Piltover.

Here people trusted eachother. The Royals actually cared about the people they were sworn to rule and protect. The people didn't stone royalty to death any chance they got. She wished Demacia could have something like this.
Jinx had left Mouser in a stable with some guy, that just like everyone else seemed to be best friends with her.
After, they continued into the palace, which was full of people. Maids, knights, foreigners, wildlings, even lowborns. It was just as nice as the rest of Piltover. Glossy black stone floors, fancy decorations, cobble walls. Jinx lead her to a spiral stairwell that went very high up.
"You'll stay in my room while I talk to Cait, she'll know where to find your whore." Jinx said leading her into the palace, which only had a single guard at the main entrance.
Jinx had gotten nicer, but still wouldn't stop calling Seraphine a whore.
"Does the Queen know where to find everyone?"
"Some. Vi had the connections to find who ever is needed, so Cait usually just asks her."
"Your sister sounds impressive"
Jinx grimaced
"I think I'm a bit more impressive"
"I doubt that."
Jinx lightly elbowed her with her smirk and continued to lead her up the stairs.

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