
230 11 6

Warnings// sensitive content/ sexism/ extreme homophobia/ period typical homophobia/strong language/ Creepy mfs/ heavy themes/ Gore
Words: 4910

        Jinx should have known Lux would give her up the second the right opportunity presented itself. After everything she hadn't expected Lux to just let her guards take her away, with the one simple request she wasn't killed. She was a fool to believe anything between them was real in the slightest. 
She should have seen it coming.
Lux was a Crownguard, raised to be manipulative and greedy. Of course she would wait for the perfect moment to betray her.
Jinx hated that she'd been so stupid to feel things for her. The one time she actually lets herself care for a new person they turn around and stab her in the back. At least Lux had given her the mercy of not killing her yet, but that wouldn't last. Even if Lux didn't want her dead, her brother would have her head.
   Now because of her misplaced trust, she sat in a Demacian cell, in the back of the dungeon, right next to the worst person she could be put next to. Seraphine.
She was pretty sure she didn't know who she was, but Jinx glared at her all the same. She'd probably get out somehow, and Jinx would die instead of her. She didn't say a word to her, just stared at her wondering what she could even offer Lux. She wasn't  strong, clearly wasn't very smart, and didn't even seem interesting. A Zaun born girl with no tattoos was a mockery. Jinx didn't see why anyone would like her in the first place.

     Worse than being near Seraphine was the temperature. It was freezing, maybe below, and the only heat was torched kept outside of the cells. There was nothing but stone and a little dirt to lay on, which was completely inhumane. The cells in Piltover had furnaces and beds, for any prisoner. She knew cause she'd been in them. A few times.
There wasn't even full meals in Demacia. A stale roll and slop. She noticed prisoners with better behaviour received a little more, so for now, she'd behave.
Not long after waking up in said cell, a guard had came to her with a blanket. 'Sent from The Princess Luxanna' the guard had told her, of course before throwing it at her and telling her that Lux wouldn't be so merciful for long. She wasn't sure what Lux's angle was with the blanket, maybe she felt a little bad in her stone cold Crownguard heart. It was a nice thing to have, especially since she'd noticed Seraphine did not get one. That made Seraphine a bit more stare-y. She was probably wondering why she hadn't gotten a nice gift from Lux and Jinx had.
Jinx wanted to rub it in her face, but she decided to be a bit more strategical.
Maybe she could put a little word in.


"Lux!" Garen shouted rushing to pull Lux into a tight hug, who hugged just as tightly. She had missed her brother. Despite everything, he was her brother, who she loved very much. Hugging him for the first time in so long helped take her mind off of everything that had just happened. She didn't want to think about the guards throwing Jinx in a cell, or where Seraphine was.
Right now, she was just happy to be alive and with her brother.
"Gods Luxanna. I thought they had killed you, look what they've done to your face!" He frowned tracing the scar along her cheek with his thumb. She opened her mouth to speak, but was  immediately interrupted.
"Do not fret dear sister, I will have them punished for this. But for the night, we shall be glad of your return."
Lux nodded, though she didn't actually want anyone killed as her brother implied.
"I do not wish the one we have injured or dead, do not let them harm nor kill her."
Garen lifted an eyebrow
"Could she be useful?"
Lux but her lip and nodded. If that kept her alive, so be it. She'd find the time, and courage, to go talk to Jinx at some point.
"We can question her later. For now, I'll have the maids start a bath for you while a feast is prepared. I'll see if anything can be done about that ugly scar as well. Is there anything else you'd like? Tonight is yours sister."
"That's all, thank you Garen." Lux smiled, not really pleased, especially with the jab at her scar. But she was going to be happy tonight, so she didn't dwell on it.

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