
249 8 5

Warnings// sensitive content/ sexism/ extreme homophobia/ period typical homophobia/strong language/ Creepy mfs/ heavy themes/ Gore
Words: 4470

Lux was not as furious as Jinx had expected her to be.
Of course, it took a lot of explaining for Jinx to calm her down after informing her that it was her fault Seraphine was again at risk of dying.
In order to help calm Lux, she had promised to get Seraphine back. Though she was physically incapable, and really did not want to have Seraphine picked over her, she still promised. She would manage to find away, hopefully before whenever Zeri woke up and came up with another way to come out on top.

Eventually they had both calmed down enough from the emotional night to sleep. Sharing a bed was a little more awkward then the previous nights they'd spent together, as now their feelings were apparent. Jinx thought that would make it easier, but she was very mistaken. Even if she did have the confidence to so much as wrap an arm around Lux, it would only complicate things further. Anymore then an arm would be...bad. For both of them.

  Fortunately, no one had barged into the room during the night. Or even the morning. Zeri had likely woken up, and the guards definitely noticed Jinx's absence. Which, could only mean they purposely hadn't come for Jinx. Zeri would know it was Lux, which was all she needed to know to find them.
    What Zeri could be plotting was the first thing that came into Jinx's head in the morning. The sun hadn't even risen, but she couldn't fall back asleep. The second she left the room she could have her head speared. And if someone were to walk in, they'd both be executed.

She let Lux sleep a little while she grew more and more worried for the day to come. But not very long. As soon as the sun peaked over the horizon she shook Lux awake. She seemed..surprisingly calm despite that Jinx had gone ahead and explained that Zeri could literally be on the other side of the door with a bunch of guards waiting to take their heads.
Though she wasn't entirely calm.
Especially after Jinx explained her plan to get Seraphine and go.

First, they'd have to climb out Lux's window, which was a bit of a drop. A little more than three stories since rooms were taller. They'd have to disguise themselves and carefully get away from the castle on to the streets, then find Ekko. And if all of that wasn't enough, Jinx wouldn't be able to move properly and they'd have to worry about Zeri's next obvious trap that they'd walk into anyways.
If they some how manger all of of that, Jinx would next have to convince Ekko to help. That would be tough considering it meant helping Luxanna Crownguard. That also meant explaining their complicated relationship, and saying aloud that she cared about a literal Crownguard princess.
If Ekko did offer help by some miracle, they'd also need to convince a good portion of the firelights to help too. Three people can't stop a crowd, guards, and possibly a giant burning stick.
That was, if they were even able to make it there in time.

Overall, it wasn't looking very good. But, it was still a chance. One Jinx would take. She knew it was bound to go wrong, but she promised. And though she broke many promises, it was for Lux.


      Lux had large coats stored in her closet that worked well to hide their faces as they struggled to climb out of the castle and move towards the city.
Getting down was a challenge, but with some rope and pillows it was manageable.
They did bump into one guard on the way out through the thin tree line that separated the city and the castle grounds, but Lux seemed to know him. He was nice enough to turn a blind eye and let them go.

   The streets were flooded with guards, especially as they passed through the richer parts that were closed to the castle. Maybe it was best she was injured, it made her fit in a little better with her limping.
Though she wasn't one to enjoy being helped with simple tasks such as walking, Lux supporting her through most of the walking did bring her comfort. It was nice, to have someone who would assist in such a simple thing and be able to accept the help.

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