1. Sam Winchester is Boring (but hot)

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ACT 1: CHAPTER ISam Winchester is Boring (but hot)

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Sam Winchester is Boring (but hot)

ACT 1: CHAPTER ISam Winchester is Boring (but hot)

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Sam Winchester was a decent guy. Actually, he might even be a great guy with his brains and gorgeous face, but damn was he a bore. Jocelyn has never met anyone their age who was this allergic to fun as he was. I mean, what kind of college student would rather have an all-nighter alone at the school's library rather than getting shitfaced with friends downtown? She knew that most attractive people never grew personalities (excluding herself of course) due to never needing to, but Sam was on another level. Especially as it was Halloween night and he was being stubborn and frankly a bit of a party pooper.

"Sam! Come on! You can't be serious. It's Halloween and it might even be the last one all of us get to spend together. I've literally even convinced Miles to go out with us instead of him dragging us to his frat. The least you could do is go out with us since it seems like you're not even considering dressing up." Jocelyn rolled her eyes while sighing at the boy in front of her. 

"You know it's not my thing Josie." Sam shrugged and gave her a small pat on the head. "Besides, I think you and Jess are plenty dressed up to cover for all of us."

He wasn't wrong there. Jess and Jocelyn always went out all the way during their favorite holiday and this year was no exception. While Jess opted to be a sexy nurse, Jocelyn decided to go as her absolute favorite, Britney Spears. It was iconic and in her opinion, the best costume she's had yet.

"Hey, you two! Get a move on would ya? We were supposed to be there like fifteen minutes ago." Jess yelled for the two from the other side of the apartment.

"Do I have to?" Sam poked his head out to address his girlfriend. He knew there was no point in going against the two girls, but he still tried one last time.

"Yes!" Both girls cried out in unison. Times like this were when Sam would wonder if Jess and Jocelyn were actually twins. In fact, some days he'd even wonder if they were purposely made to make his life more difficult, but he couldn't deny that the two girls were some of the best people he knew.

"It'll be fun and where's your costume?"

"See I told you, Sam!"

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