3. Oh Logan, What Have You Done?

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ACT 1: CHAPTER IIIOh Logan, What Have You Done?

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Oh Logan, What Have You Done?

As the days passed relentlessly, Jocelyn found herself unable to catch her breath

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As the days passed relentlessly, Jocelyn found herself unable to catch her breath. It was as though time had become her enemy, ticking away without a moment's respite since Jess's death. The pain remained raw as if the wound had just been inflicted. How could she ever get over watching her best friend die in such a gruesome way? The weight of survivor's guilt pressed heavily on Jocelyn's shoulders, threatening to consume her entirely. It also didn't help that Jess' death was unexplainable as what had happened was not normal and it haunted Jocelyn's mind.

The once outgoing and spirited Jocelyn Angel was now a mere shadow of herself. It was impossible to remember the last time she felt any kind of motivation to do anything. She went through the motions of life, attending school, completing her assignments, going on dates with Miles, and even showing up for her sorority's chapter meetings, but it all felt hollow. Her therapist called it a combination of PTSD and depression, but Jocelyn knew that it was so much more than that.

Initially, people tried their best to empathize with her, but eventually, they gave up. The Jocelyn Angel who had started the year on a high note, having been crowned Miss San Francisco and successfully leading her sorority's formal recruitment season as President, had died along with Jess. She was no longer the loving girlfriend that Miles had known for the past three years, and even her family was at a loss for how to help her.

The only person that could understand what she was going through was miles and miles away off in who knows where and Jocelyn had simply never felt more alone than how she felt right now.

"Hey, babe, what do you say?" Miles' voice broke through the silence. Oh right, she was on a date.

Jocelyn blinked, realizing she had drifted off. "Sorry, what were you saying?" she asked, her mind still a million miles away.

"I was asking if you were still thinking about that spring break cruise I talked about before. Are you feeling up for it?" Miles' hopeful expression faltered when he caught a glimpse of Jocelyn's distant gaze. He knew better than to push her too hard, but he couldn't help but hope that a change of scenery would do her good.

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