5. Sam and Dean are Here to Save the Day!

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ACT 1: CHAPTER IVSam and Dean are Here to Save the Day!

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Sam and Dean are Here to Save the Day!

Jocelyn's heart felt like it had been put through a blender, diced up into little pieces, and then tossed back into her chest

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Jocelyn's heart felt like it had been put through a blender, diced up into little pieces, and then tossed back into her chest. She had spent the last two days in agony, waiting for Sam to come. She had almost given up hope when the doorbell rang.

"Sam!" she exclaimed as she flung open the door. He practically tackled her in a bear hug, holding her tight. It was a hug that she needed just as much as he did.

"Hey Josie," Sam murmured softly into her hair.

But Sam wasn't alone. His brother, Dean, seemed to have tagged along. "Hey, you remember Dean?" Sam asked, as his brother greeted Jocelyn with a small nod.

As she led them into her parents' house, Dean couldn't help but admire the interior. "Nice place," he commented.

"Thanks, It's my mom's," Jocelyn said. "I decided to stay here for the weekend while all this was happening. It's much closer to where they're holding Logan than it is from my apartment back at Stanford."

Dean was curious. "So, where are your folks?"

"My mom lives in Paris for half of the year, so she's on her way right now. And I don't have a dad," Jocelyn explained.

Sam remembered meeting Jocelyn's mom, Stephanie Angel, during Parent's Weekend last year. He was struck by how much they looked alike and could see where Jocelyn got her stunning features from.

Jocelyn broke the momentary silence. "Can I get you guys anything to drink or eat?" she asked, leading them into the kitchen. Dean nodded eagerly following her while Sam hung back a few steps.

"So, tell us what happened," Sam's eyes bore into Jocelyn's, urging her to tell them what had happened.

They settled onto the marble island in the center of the kitchen, waiting for her to speak. Jocelyn busied herself with making sandwiches for the brothers, grateful for the distraction.

"Well, um, Logan got to Emily's and found Emily tied to a chair. She was beaten up, bloody, and not breathing," Jocelyn began, her voice shaking. "He called 911, and the police arrived, and they arrested him. But the thing is, the only way Logan could've killed Emily is if he was in two places at once."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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