2. Poor Jess

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Poor Jess

Days went by exactly the same as they always did after that eventful night when Sam had left

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Days went by exactly the same as they always did after that eventful night when Sam had left. Nothing out of the ordinary could be detected as Jocelyn was busy occupied with planning for her sorority's date night and getting her hair done all during the weekend. She did, however, find herself back at Jess and Sam's apartment each night as she offered to stay with Jess while Sam was gone. She didn't want to leave her friend lonely and alone. Jess of course, agreed with excitement as she was never one to turn down a sleepover. 

"Jess I can see the lines on your forehead from here. Stop worrying he'll be back like he said. It's Sam! Literally the most responsible person we know. He's probably just backed up on traffic or something."

Jocelyn reached forward to her friend's forehead and attempted to smooth out the lines. She knew Jess was only being a good girlfriend and honestly if she were in the same position as Jess, she would probably also be pacing. Still, she hated to see her best friend so stressed.

"How about this: let's bake some cookies and you can help me plan for next weekend. I still haven't gotten the venue designs down yet and who knows, Sam might come later in the night and he might want a snack."

Jess instantly smiled at this suggestion. If there was one thing for sure, it was that Jocelyn Angel was the best friend Jess Moore could have asked for. She always knew how to cheer her up.

"Okay." And that was all Jocelyn needed to hear before she jumped up from the couch and drag her friend over to the kitchen.

Aches were felt all over his body as he wasn't used to the stress he had put himself through this past weekend. Sam forgot this used to be a regular thing for him growing up before he went to college, but now going back to hunting, he realized how distant he actually was to what he grew up knowing. It didn't come as natural to him and compared to his brother, he was basically a novice again.

He let out a sigh as Dean closed in on his apartment. A tiny part of him did want to go back to hunting with his family after the thrill he got from the last couple of day, but he knew that Stanford was where he was meant to be. After all, he had his wonderful girlfriend to get back to.

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