6. loyalty

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(y/n replaces ashley in this chapter, also if anyone comments that she cries too much, plz think realisticly. how tf would u respond)

I struggled to open my eyes, but I could hear someone yelling. It sounded like my name, but I wasn't sure. After a few attempts, I opened my eyes but was immediately blinded by a bright light. I scrunched my eyes shut, trying to keep out the light. "(Y/N)?! Are you awake?!"

"Josh?" I said groggily. I tried to sit up, but I realized my hands were restrained above my head. "What?!" I tried to pull them out of the restraints. "What the fuck?!" "(Y/N) stop! Listen to me!" I tried to control my breathing, but there was no use. It was like no oxygen was reaching my lungs. I began to hyperventilate. "(Y/N)! STOP!" I looked at him. The light was turned off now. Josh was next to me, strapped vertically to some sort of table. His hands were also restrained above his head. He looked at me with a panicked expression that probably resmbled mine as well. "Where the fuck are we?! What happened?!" I asked him. 

"I don't...I don't know. Somebody in a mask attacked me and suddenly I wake up here! I don't fucking know, oh my God," he let his head hang and I could see tears falling off his cheeks. I was about to start screaming for someone but we heard a voice that seemed to be getting closer. "Hello?! Hello, is someone there?!"

"(Y/N)?! Are you in here?!" "Yes, oh my God Chris, yes!" He came into view behind a fenced gate that seperated us. "Holy shit! What fuck happened to you guys?!" Josh was about to answer, but deafeningly loud feedback from a speaker replaced our panicked cries. 

A spotlight shined on Chris, and he blinked hard a view times. He had a dark bruise on his forehead. "Chris what happened?" "He attacked me, I think."

"Hello." A dark, raspy voice sounded on the speakers. The three of us were silent and stunned with anxiety. "Tonight we're going to conduct a little experiment. A sort of test."

"(Y/N), what the hell is going on?!' "I don't know Josh, I don't know!"

"Now for this experiment, we'll need the cooperation of our two test subjects... Joshua and (Y/N)."

"Oh God!"

"But we're going to need more than one brave participant to help decide... which subject will live, and which will die." The giant saw blade I hadn't noticed before in front us began spinning and moving towards us slowly. 



"Please. Please please, everyone calm down. It's all very simple. Christopher, you will find a lever placed directly in front of you. All you have to do... is choose who you will save!"

I lost my breath again. "This can't be happening, oh my God, this CANNOT be happening!" "Shit... shit... no! Okay... okay... okay... okay, this is gonna be okay." Josh and I panicked while Chris stared at us with wide eyes. Tears filled my eyes. "Chris, choose Josh. Save Josh!" 


Josh was speechless and he just looked between me and Chris. "Guys, please just hold on, please! Let me think!" "I am telling you Chris. There isn't anything to think about. Save Josh. Please," I sobbed through my words, tears falling down my cheeks. "Chris please. I don't deserve to walk out of here with you, CHOOSE JOSH."

Chris panicked and I saw him switch something. "I see. You have chosen to save (Y/N)." "Oh my god," he said, his voice trembling.

"WHAT?! NO! OH MY GOD NO!" I cried out. The saw began moving towards Josh faster than that.

"I thought we were friends man! I thought we were friends why would you do this!?" 

"CHRIS WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" I sobbed. I looked back to see the saw only inches away from Josh's torso. It began to tear into him. "OH MY GOD!" His screams of pain were sickening. I closed my eyes shut and kept them closed. I felt his blood splatter on my jacket and my face. Once the saw stopped and Josh fell silent, I opened my eyes and slowly looked up at him. "NO! OH MY GOD! NO! JOSH! NO! FUCK!" A door flew open and Chris rushed over to me. He began to undo my restraints. "I'm coming, I'm gonna get you. I'm letting you down. Stop, please- Come on, come on, let's get you down, come on, we're gonna get you out of here!"

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! WHAT THE FUCK CHRIS?!" I screamed at him. I fell to the ground, immediately turning over and vomiting on the floor. I continued to dry heave as Chris patted my back. I looked up at Josh again before vommitting once more. I stumbled to my feet and turned to Chris. 

I slapped him in the face as hard as I could before I laid my head against him and cried. 

He didn't say anything, but I could feel his quiet sobs. "(Y/N), we have to go! Come on!" We held onto each other's arms as we rushed out of the shed, leaving Josh behind. 

The air felt freezing against my wet cheeks and I fell onto my hands and knees on the snow, panick creeping up my throat as I came to a realization. Who else is dead? Did this man kill anyone else? Are we the only ones left? Which left me paralyzed in the cold, fresh snow. My fingers began to feel numb. 

I looked up at the sound of voices. "Chris? (Y/N)? Is that you?"

"Blood?! Oh my God, whose blood is that?!" Emily's voice brought my back to reality. My eyes opened slowly.

"Chris what happened?!" Matt asked, confused. 

Chris began to cry, his words sounding like nonsense. "It's Josh," I said, my voice trembling. "He's dead. He's gone." "What?! Oh my God?! What?!""He's fucking dead Emily! He's dead! He was torn apart right in fucking front of me!" I yelled. 

Matt tried to sound calm. "(Y/N), who killed him?" "There was a saw, and a switch and he forced Chris to choose and oh my fucking God." I started to cry again. "There's a fucking manic on this mountain with us, Matt." "Holy  shit, we need to get help! Like right now," Emily shouted. 

"I don't know Em. Maybe we should look for the others." "Mike and Jess are off 69'ing each other and who knows where Sam  is." "I think she's in the lodge." "Fine. Fine. You're right. Get everyone else together. But if there's a maniac running around I think we need to get some help, too, right? Not just wait around?" 

I looked up at her. "There's a radio tower up here on the mountain, Josh's dad took us up there once. I can take you guys up there. I know how to work the radio too. We can probably get a message out there," I was able to get out a somewhat understandable sentence. The tears finally stopped and I stood to my feet. 

Emily hesiated, looking me up and down. "If you really think it'll work."

Matt nodded. "Let's go." Chris touched my arm. "I'm gonna go find Ashley and Sam. Be careful. Please. I can't lose both of you." He asked, still tearful. I nodded. "Of course," he pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry for hitting you." "Don't worry about it." 

Emily, Matt, and I hesitantly walked away, leaving Chris there to process what he had just witnessed. 

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