10. revelation

375 9 4

I stared at the man, my joints locked in fear. Even if I could run, where would I go? I closed my eyes as he rapidly approached me, preparing myself for whatever harm he was going to inflict on me. "Get back!" I gasped when he grabbed me by arm and pulled me to an a ladder I had not seen, pointing up at a trapdoor. "You shouldn't be here! Take these flares and get the hell out!" He put a bag around me and I didn't waste anytime climbing up the ladder. 

I crawled out from the trapdoor and was enveloped in darkness. 

I remembered the man had given me that bag and I reached inside it, blindly grabbing a flare and pulling the cap off. Sparks shot out. I kept on walking; I could hear the struggle going on underneath me and I wanted no part in it.

As I walked down a long, dirty hallway held up by support beams I listened to the man yell at whatever was screeching at him. I had never heard anything quite like that, but it sent chills down my spine nevertheless. 

I walked around for quite awhile, unsure of where to go, until I came across an opening outside. It lead to some sort of structure. It had barrels, benches. I assumed it had something to do with the mines I fell into.

It was still very cold, the blood on my face and head had not yet dried which only made me colder. Before I had the chance to move, I heard faint screaming.

A girl's voice, not whatever it was that man was fighting. "Holy shit. That's Emily!" I could see her approaching the opening and was about to walk over and confront her before I caught sight of what was behind her. Jumping from wall to wall, it was freakishly long and skinny. It skin was falling off of it's grey, sickly flesh and it had long fingers with dagger-like nails. It's teeth were crooked and ragged but they looked sharp. But it's eyes. It's eyes were so...human.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Emily call out. I began to panic. Do I run? Can I save Emily? 

My legs picked for me and I was immediately running. I caught a glance of the flammable liquids warning on the barrels. My brain thought quickly of a solution. I stopped, turning around and looking at Emily. She was probably 8 feet away and the creature was catching up. Glancing at her, I kicked a barrel over and watched as she realized what I was doing. I threw the flare down and sprinted the other way, taking no time to stop and see what happened. I found a set of stairs and as I ran down them so fast I almost fell, I could hear Emily's screams becoming louder. 

I was finally in a spot I knew. If I kept running, I would make it to the lodge in maybe 5 minutes. I could still hear the screeches of the monster and that motivated me enough to bolt in the direction of the lodge. When I was looking behind me to make sure I wasn't followed, I tripped on a tree root, falling into the snow and unintentionally letting out a very loud scream. I got up as fast I could and kept running. I finally had sight of the lodge. I ran harder, pushing my legs to keep going until I reached the door. I opened it and fell onto the floor before crawling over and slamming it closed. 

I laid chest first onto the wood floor, gasping for air. I couldn't feel my feet or my fingers but I didn't care. At least I could breathe again. I tried not think about that I had killed Emily, essentially. I didn't feel bad about it, but I knew that I couldn't tell anyone. 

A few moments later I heard voices approaching the room I was in.

"(Y/N)?!" I heard Ashley say in a shrill voice. Strong arms pulled me up, but my vision was foggy and unfocused. I held onto to Chris for support.

 "I think I have a concussion, let me sit down."

Sam came to the other side of me and they sat me down on the couch with concerned expressions. Ashley had a black eye. "God, Ashley. What happened?" "He hit me." "Hit you? Are you okay?" "Stop worrying about me! What happened to you?!"

I explained what happened after I left the shed where Josh died. The incident with the deer, what the station looked like. Then getting to the radio tower. "I was able to get to someone. A ranger."

"What did he say?"

"They wouldn't be able to send anyone out here until dawn. That was all I got because the tower fucking fell into these, like, mines? I don't know but we were all hanging off it and I fell, but I landed on something and hit my head and there were these," my words began to mush together and voice became strained as I could feel tears welling. "These monsters, fucking monsters! There was the man who killed Josh in the mines and-"

"There's no monsters, (Y/N). It's okay. It was all Josh." "No, you aren't listening!" 

It was at that moment Mike walked in. His eyes landed on me and I could see the relief. "(Y/N)." I stood as he walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me. I hugged him back tightly. "You're okay." I nodded. 

"She's talking about monsters and mines, and we don't really have a clue what she's saying. I think she might have a concussion." "She's just screwed up because of the night guys. (Y/N)? Hey (Y/N)?" He looked at me, trying to see if I was conscious I think. 

I stopped after realizing what Sam said. "Wait what do you mean it was all Josh?" 

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