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A/N: Haven't updated in forever, but I think it's about time I finish this one lol. My life has been really chaotic since I started writing Butterfly Effect, and I just lost motivation. Hope this is enough! I'll be working on the rest of the chapters and uploading them as I finish them to make up for my absence. 

Mike and I walked into the chapel, locking the door behind us. He had tried to make me stay back because of the suspected concussion but I refused. I couldn't shake the feeling that Ashley had something to do with Chris dying. 

How the hell could she be so...cold? The guy she's had a crush on since forever dies in front of her and she has no emotion?

Nonetheless, I wanted out of there. And besides, if I wanted answers from Josh, we had to find him first.

I looked over at Mike. "Mike."


"What the hell is this place? It looks huge!"

"This place? It was an old sanatorium back in the 50's. Something awful happened here."

"Something awful? Like what?"

"I don't know."

We continued walking through the broken building in silence as we attempted to process this hellish night. He carried a shotgun with him that he found when he was here just a few hours prior. 

"Mike?" I broke the silence.

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

I swallowed nervously. "What happened to Jess?"

He stopped walking. I looked over at him, his face looked empty of color apart from the dust and blood that scattered all over his face. "She didn't make it."

"She didn't?" I asked in disbelief.


"I'm...so sorry, Mike," I said, disappointed. "That's awful. What happened?"

"I thought it was Josh, originally. Which is the whole reason we tied him up in the shed in the first place. But now, I'm not so sure."

"Josh wouldn't."

Mike sighed. "I know. This is all just so hard to wrap my head around."

"Yeah, I hear that."

We continued on, the air feeling heavy as we moved our way through the gigantic asylum. Jess was dead. Jessica. I had just seen her, only hours ago. It felt like years ago now. I was excited to catch up with her and see her again. She was the one who convinced me that coming was worth it after all. I began to think about everyone else. Jessica's dead. Emily's dead. Chris is dead. What about Matt? Or Ashley? Was it really a good idea to go to the fire tower? 

Before anybody could say another word, a white wolf that's was easily half my size crept out from behind some equipment. "Mike!" I tensed up, preparing to run.

"Don't worry, he chill," Mike put his hand out for the wolf to sniff and petted the top of his head. "See?"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"O-Okay." I said hesitantly, making sure to keep my distance. We continued through junk filled hallways and cobweb covered rooms as we made our way through the eerily quiet sanatorium. We found old documents, footage, and instruments that proved Mike was right; something awful really had happened here. I was certain I didn't want to know what. We didn't talk much, partly because we were scared someone or something would hear us and partly because neither of us knew what to say to each other. We entered a room through a loose wood panel in the wall, which Mike pushed out of the way. As soon as we entered, it was clear we were in some kind of cafeteria, and one of the counters was sitting a wendigo.

Mike and I ducked down instantly, and we could hear it growl slightly. I peeked around the corner, watching the monster jump to another table while looking around for us. I looked up at the table we were hidden by to see a glass bottle was about to fall off the surface of the table, and I felt my stomach drop. If this makes any noise we could die. As it fell, I caught it carefully and set it down on the ground  quietly. Mike patted my back as if to say 'thank you.' I looked back and nodded at him in silent understanding.

The wendigo finally leapt from the table and to the wall, crawling out of the cafeteria. I stood up, holding onto Mike's arm. "We need to go," I whispered. "Now."

Mike nodded, so me, Mike, and the wolf (that Mike had began to call 'Wolfie') left the room, entering a long hallway lined up with cells against the walls. "This is so inhumane, did they really keep them in here?"

"I think so," Mike answered glumly. "It's sickening."

As we walked past one of the cells, I looked over at Mike just in time to see a long, skinny, gray arm reaching for his head. "Mike!"

He looked beside him before shooting the arm with the shotgun he had been carrying with him. We bolted down the hallway, ignoring the screeching and growling coming from behind us until we busted through a pair of doors into a room filled with barrels with the flammable sign on them. I instantly thought back to when I killed Emily. "I have an idea!" 

I grabbed the barrels and pulled them down, repeating that until I heard the screeching getting closer.  I quickly ran away from the barrels."MIKE! NOW!" 

And with that, he shot the barrels and they exploded into flames, sending us flying through the exit. I quickly stood up to close the door, but one of the wendigos jumped through the opening before I could shut it. 


I turned to see Sam standing behind us and she attacked the monster with a baseball bat, allowing Mike to shoot it. It fell limp and we waited a moment to speak until we were sure it was gonna stay down. Sam walked over to me and put her arms around me. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Thanks for saving our asses," Mike chuckled. "What are you doing down here?"

"Anytime," Sam replied. "I was gonna warn you guys about the wendigos."

"Well, I think we got the memo." I said sarcastically. "Let's find where this thing lives."

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