8. psychosis

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Finally, we left the station and started towards the fire tower. Emily bickered with Matt the whole time. We finally hit a dead end at a cliff overlooking the mountain. I peered over the edge and felt my stomach churn at how far the ground was from where I stood. I got some strange sort of sensation. It was an unsettling, unshakable feeling that something happened here. Something important. I stepped back, labeling it as nothing but deja vu. I turned around when I heard the loud sound of hooves on the ground. We were surrounded by a seemingly angry herd of elk. I tensed up and heard Emily gasp behind me. Matt stepped in front of me. "They just want to check us out. Stay calm." Matt said. "Are you sure?" I replied hesitantly. "Yes. Follow my lead. Be slow. No sudden movements." Emily and I followed Matt with slow steps, our eyes glued to the agitated elk that seemed to be glaring at us. One of them stepped in front of us. Matt stopped, slowly raising the axe. I grabbed the handle. "Don't," I said harshly. "Do not." He hesitantly nodded and it finally moved out of our way. I held onto my shaking fingers as we made it past the herd. Matt and Emily hopped over a fallen tree trunk that seemed to be blocking the trail. I took one last look behind me at the elk. They were dispersing and walking back into the forest. 

It wasn't too much longer until we arrived at the tower. As we stepped in front of the stairs a bright light switched on suddenly. I let out a cry of suprise. Emily covered her eyes. "God it's so bright!" "It's motion sensored, I think," Matt hesitated before he ushered us forward.

We walked up the stairs. "So what do we do if we get ahold of someone?" "Tell them our situation I guess." I shrugged. "And if we can't?" "

I haven't thought that far yet." "Well we need a plan, probably." "We can decide if that's what it comes to," I said, getting irritated. With some heavy breaths we walked up the final flight of stairs before we made it too the ladder. I headed up first, followed by Emily and then Matt. I opened up the hatch and climbed inside, looking around the dimly lit room. I waited until Emily and Matt got inside to say anything. "The power needs turned on. I'm gonna guess that the breaker is somewhere outside. Emily, do you wanna go find it?" "Excuse me?" "Em." Matt said, annoyance clearly building up in his voice. I tried to hide the smile on my face as she let out a groan and opened the door leading outside. 

"It's fucking freezing out here!"  A few seconds later the lights flicked on and Emily walked back in. Without warning, the radio let out a loud static noise causing the three of us to jump in suprise. I walked over to it and turned the radio dial until I heard a voice. 

"-ranger service for Blackwood County. Over."

"Hello? Can you hear me? Over." I said, my voice trembling with anxiety. "Hello is someone trying to contact us? This is the channel for Blackwood County. I'm not getting your signal very well. Please speak slowly and clearly, over." "We need help! Please, you've got to send someone out here." "Hello? Can you please identify yourself? Over." I let out a shakily exhale. "My name is (Y/N). We are up on Blackwood Mountain and there's some murderer up here with us, he's already killed one of our friends." There was silence on the line. "I read you, ma'am. Please do not leave your position. We will send out helicopters to get you as soon as the storm has subsided, over." Emily stepped up to the mic. "What? When? How long?!" "Dawn. At the earliest. Not until dawn, over." 

We were startled by the light turning on again. Matt looked out the window. "Something tripped it, probably a fucking deer." The three of us looked at each other. "Dawn. We have until dawn. What do we do?" 

"Should we go find everyone at the lodge?" Matt scratched his head. 

"No, I think we should do what the guy said and stay here until they send someone." Immediately after the words left my mouth, there was banging at the hatch. I screamed and fell back on the floor, backing away. I ran into Emily's legs. "He's here, he's coming for me!" Emily cried out. Matt rushed over to the hatch and started stomping on it. It seemed to have worked because after a few moments, the banging stopped. "Is he gone? Are we safe?" "I think s-" Matt was cut off by the sound of a snap and then creaking. The tower began to shake. "What's happening?!" "I don't know! I don't know!" The tower began to lean and fall. I immediately grabbed onto a wooden support beam to hold me up as the tower landed on its side. Emily fell to the window, barely missing the large radio that was still making sound as it soared past her. I could hear the ranger's voice trying to reach us as it fell. The tower only fell farther into the ground. I screamed as the support beam broke, to which I fell to the other side of the tower, right beside Emily. 

The two of us ended up hanging onto the rails at the bottom of the now teetering tower. I stared down into the dark underground, my breath caught in my throat. I wasn't sure where we were. The tower shook, slowly inching downwards. 

"Matt?! Matt!" Emily called out.

He slowly inched is way towards us, holding onto the walls for support. Each step he took, the more the tower seemed to become more unstable. "Matt, wait! Hold on! Stay there!" I called out, now panicked at the fear of the tower finally falling. "Shut the fuck up! Matt, please!" "Emily, if he comes any closer it's going to collapse!" "No it won't! Matt, come get me, please!" She sobbed out. I was getting pissed. Matt seemed hesitant to move. "I'm thinking, give me a second," he paused. "I think (Y/N) is right. I don't want to tip it.""Matt what are you doing? You need to do something?" I had finally had enough. "Emily, shut the fuck up! Do you not see what you're doing?! Stop fucking pressuring him and let him work this out!" Emily glared at me through her tears and without warning, she subtly moved her foot out of Matt's view, tripping me and causing me to let go of the rails. "Shit!" I cried out as I began to fall back. I desperately reached for the other rail. "Holy fuck! (Y/N)!" I could see Matt try to reach for me as Emily stared down with a bitter expression. I missed the rail by an inch, the steel slicing my palm open. I fell down into the darkness, screaming all the way down. I hit my head and instantly lost consciousness.

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