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Harry's P.O.V

        I can't believe what I had just done. I just pecked Niall's cheek. There was no reason behind it, but I wanted his touch. For some reason, half of myself was falling hard for him. The face he gave in response though - I don't know whether if it was a good or bad expression because he stood there wide eyed. Until not even 5 minutes later he excused himself to leave. I made it awkward. I gave myself a hit on the forehead. How could I be so stupid? I thought to myself.

        "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid." I repeated to myself. I hope nothing has changed between us. I don't think anything has changed between us. 

        I sat up and looked at my phone. Going to my gallery, I looked at my saved pictures. Pictures of me and fans, pictures of the mates... pictures of Niall. No. I shook my head, trying to change the picture onto someone else but I ended up swiping the screen back to the beautiful picture of the blue eyed beauty. It was a picture of him grinning widely, and his blue eyes was shining bright against the back light. His hair looked smooth and fluffy- perfect. His lips nice and pink. Ready for a pair of lips to touch. Suddenly, I felt my pants get tight. Did I gain weight? I scrunched my nose in disapproval until I looked down and noticed that I needed some crotch space. I slid off my beige skinny jeans. I wasn't wearing any boxers - since usually I get right down naked when I am alone. And it feels good to be let free. I looked at my length. It was hard. I licked my lips in thought and questioned myself: "What could go wrong?" I took my right hand and put it on my penis. In a slow motion, I started to "hand" myself. Up and down, tossing my head back and opening my mouth in pleasure. I couldn't help myself. I let my hand keep going harder and harder on myself. I finally let realease... and it was all over my hand and floor from where I was sitting on the edge of my bed.

[ ]

Then I looked up and couldn't be more embarrassed in my life.


        He was standing there with a horrified look. He has lost his innocence in what he just witnessed if he has been here the whole time watching. I felt my face get red. I hurried up and put my pants on and cleaned up, even though I was clumsy at it. I kept mumbling my apologies to Niall.  I stood there looking at him and he looked at my phone. When I looked, It was on the picture of Niall that I was left at. My face got even more red. Shit.

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