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Harry's P.O.V

        I woke up the next morning with the clothes I had on the day before. I sat up and stretched my arms as I let out a yawn. I felt well rested. I took out my phone to check for the time and any missed calls or texts. I looked at the time; 9:30. 

        "Shit." I mumbled to myself as I got up and hurriedly got dressed. I was 15 minutes late to my interview. Not good. I finally arrived and they were very impatient with me. They literally threw the make up on me, they were so aggravated with me. They looked at me like I was some insolent child. Not at all. I stood near the interviewer person who had their microphone in their hand, and note cards that had writing on it. The interviewer was a female who had blonde hair and she gestured me to sit down.   

        "Hello everyone. I have Harry Styles from One direction." She said into the camera lens and then turning to me with a wide grin. "'ello Harry. How are you?"       

        "Ello, love. I am fine. And you?" I grinned politely.

        "Good, good." She replied as she smoothed her straightened hair as she studied the words written on her note cards. She gave a harsh breath; inwardly and outwardly before looking into my eyes once again.

        "The rumor about you being gay. Is that true of false?" 

        "Erm... false." I answered. As I did, I felt my face turn deep red. 

        "Okay, and what about the rumor about Haylor?" She asked, raising her thick eyebrows and crossing her leg over the other. I hate it when that question comes up. Management doesn't want me denying it any farther but they don't want me to accept the fact either. I shrugged. I didn't know either. It is surely false, but it would make me look bad if I said if it was true or false.  They would think I am a liar. Well they already think I am a liar. Minutes to an hour passed and the interview was over. I wiped the little sweat I had on my forehead and sighed with relief. I walked out of the place and drove right on to the hotel. I can't believe I am already exhausted. What will tomorrow bring?

        Oh I almost forgot... I am doing a twitcam with Niall first thing in the morning. I thought to myself before my eyes closed and drifted off into a nice slumber.

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