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Niall's P.O.V

        I was just talking to Liam about my feelings about Harry. What I saw, What I witnessed. Well not the masturbation part. That would be rude to let that secret out to Liam. It woudl humiliate Harry. I was eating a thick, juicy cheeseburger with some steak fries. I was drinking a cold, crispy pepsi. It quenched my thirst. I looked over and saw Harry with Taylor. I grimaced when I looked over. Then Liam just had to turn around to see who I was looking at. Harry waved at him. Should I wave also? No. My concious answered my own question.  Taylor stood up and it looked like she was snapping at Harry. I can see her being that nagging mother and wife. Taylor left the table. 

        "Hey, it's your chance." Liam stated as I about shoved the burger down my throat as Liam stood up and made way to Harry's table. I trailed behind as I swalled the food and dusted my hands on my pants. We both ended up sitting across from Harry. He looked about beat and ready to pass out from exaustion any minute. I whispered over to Liam to leave me and him alone so I can talk. Liam made an excuse that sounded real even though Danielle is off somewhere else in some city. Liam said good bye and it was time to talk. I stared Harry down until he looked up. He did eventually look up at me and I had gotten his attention. After a while, we both admitted that we needed to talk. 

        "Niall- I'm in love with you." Harry confided in me.  I sensed it, but I didn't realize it. Or maybe I just didn't want to know the truth.  I pretended to play it off cool.  It looked like it worked. The fries he ordered were delicious.  I reached over for another fry. As I did, Harry reached over, our skin barely touching. I quickly grabbed the fry and ate it.  I saw him play it off. But I noticed. Harry's hands aren't that small. 

        "Harry?" I smirked at him. Then I saw him blush. I would honestly love to see his dimples. Maybe I would get him to smile. I shall.

        "Why was the fish happy about his class grade?" I said, trying to crack a joke. He looked up at me, bit his lip in thought, and shrugged.

        "Because he made it above sea-level." I beamed a small smile. He sat there over thinking it until he got it and laughed. Bam. His dimples are shown, which made me smile. I swear, I think smiling is contagious. Especially Harry's smile.

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