MTT 14

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Niall's P.O.V

        I made it to my hotel room that I shared with Louis. I finally made it back after the many minutes that felt like hours of traffic. When I was driving, It looked like a terrible accident has happened. It looked horrible.  There were policemen and ambulances surrounding. I felt bad for the people who possibly got hurt. I drove by it slowly behind the car in front of me and was finally able to speed up a little to get to the hotel. I walked into my room: 119. Louis was on his knees, centimeters away from the TV. It looked like he has been crying.

        "Louis?" I asked. He looked at me and started to cry all over again. He hugged me and put his face into my neck.

        "I'm so glad you're alright." Louis said, parting from me and rubbing my arms. 

        "Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow. What was going on? He looked at me and noticed that I was bewildered and didn't know what was going on. Louis took my hand and led me to where the TV was. It was on the news channel.

        "We report back Live to the incidnet. Former star, Harry Styles of One Direction got into a car accident about fifteen minutes away from Bellany's. The manager of the restaurant stated that he had seen him there minutes before he departed. There are signs of fatal injuries, and he is being rushed to a hospital. We will keep you updated in a few moments." 

        I stared blankly at the screen. I knew the car looked familiar moments ago, but I didn't think it was him. A tear escaped from my eyes, one after another. I felt horrible. I probably hurt his feelings and he wanted to do this to himself. I shook my head in disbelief. This is all of my fault. I fell to my knees and cried. 

        I stood up and took my car keys. 

        "Lou..." I choked out. Louis dried his eyes and looked at me. He looked a little calmer. 

        "Let's go to the hospital." I suggested. Louis stood up and agreed. We both walked out of the hotel hand in hand as we got into my car and made way to the hospital.

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