MTT 12

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Niall's P.O.V

        Harry just ordered a brownie ale-mode. I love to eat, but I was ready to get out of here honestly. Harry has feelings for me and It would hurt him more if I stayed sitting in front of him. I took a bite of the nice, warm and gooey - chocolate velvety piece of brownie. I felt Harry's eyes on me. I didn't enjoy his attention all the time. But I guess It is nice to be wanted. 

        Harry just told me he was thinking about me. What could he be possibly be thinking of about me? There is nothing special about me. Even though the fans that love me would disagree or even the band mates and family would. I wouldn't deny it. I know what I am - not special. 

        We finished the chocolatey dessert. I was actually full. Don't be surprised though.  I ate a thick burger not even an hour ago. 

        "Niall- I am getting tired of this. Please tell me what you feel about me?" Harry about snapped, he hit the table with his hands and it got everyone's attention. He looked almost pleading. He wanted to know an answer. That was the thing. I had no answer. I sighed and looked away from him, then back at his melancholy gaze.

        "Niall. Please. I want to know." Harry pleaded once again, practically begging for an answer from me.

        "Harry." I breathed his name. "I don't know." And with that, I stood up and walked away. I hope it wasn't a rude gesture, but I needed some space and time to think. I walked on without even looking back over my shoulder. I gotten in my new car and drove off. I'll have to make a time from some point to talk about this again. But that is when I have an answer and know how I feel. I don't want to trick myself into thinking that my heart is my brain and vise versa. The last time I thought with my heart, I messed up. This time, I want to know how I feel. And what I truly believe.

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