Chapter 3: The Chase

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Author's note: You don't gotta play the song for this part, I just listened to it while writing this part and thought "why not" so it's in the fanfic now!

Abruptly jolting after hearing the hedgehog's booming words, Tails increased his speed to levels he believed were near impossible for him to achieve. Drops of sweat ran down his face like heavy rainfall as each second became harder and harder to breathe. "None of this makes sense, none of this makes sense" he repeated over and over, lost in thought and comprehension. ("How far am I?") he thought in exhausted confusion, seeming to lose track of time as his focus was solely on moving as far as possible. With anxious hesitation, the fox turned his head back.


Just maybe.

He had managed to lose her.


Sonic was right behind him, separated only by a measly five feet. His heart stopped only to swiftly begin pounding faster by the second. Sonic emitted the same echoed laugh, effortlessly floating with one hand reaching out towards him, only her fur showed signs of actual movement while the rest of her body remained completely still.

Tails had no time to question her uncanny movement, only concerned with getting as far away as he could, yet each time he picked up speed (be it ever so slightly) Sonic did the same, never losing even an ounce of distance. If anything, she was gaining on him.

Tails frantically turned his head back and forth, constantly checking his distance and wondering if the grass field would ever end. The terrain had remained the same no matter how much land he covered, even the key landmarks he'd sworn he had just passed by simply weren't there, like they never even existed.

"I'm gonna getcha~"

Tails' could feel the fatigue build up inside but he couldn't afford to falter. Even lowering to the ground to conserve energy was losing its benefits. He was nearing his limit, his heart pounded to the point of exploding, his body burned from head to toe with unrelenting ferocity and Sonic could sense it.

"Our chase is nearing its end, little fox. I'll admit, you've gone much farther than I thought you were capable of. Do I truly terrify you that much? It seems hearing my voice alone is enough to make you deliciously shiver; I can feel your blood pumping faster and faster, your body pushing itself to its absolute limit."

"And yet, you forgot one crucial, little difference between us."

Sonic inched closer

"You were always..."

Even closer


And closer


"Gotcha!" Sonic violently clutched both of Tails' arms with a roaring laugh, halting his movement and prompting him to howl a terrified, ear-wrenching scream out of nothing but pure shock. The grasp was loosened and the fox fell, kneeling to the ground as Sonic stood behind. Tails remained in place, completely drained of will and energy, each breath filled with an agonizing, burning pain in his chest. He had done everything he could reasonably think of. 

Why even try?

Every attempt of escape was met and disabled with ease. He knew her speed better than anyone else, running was pointless, escaping was pointless. In the end all he had accomplished was exhausting himself along the same repetitive, endless grass fields.

He could feel Sonic's presence towering over him; his best friend, the one person he felt inspired by and looked up to the most out of all his friends, terrorized and chased him for countless miles. His world now a bastardized, sinister alternate of its former, brighter self.

Sonic landed in front of Tails, prompting the fatigued fox to lay on the floor and cover his head with his tails, shivering in ever growing fear, crying at a loss of what to do. He locked his eyes and chained his teeth, anticipating the piercing sting of a slash from one of Sonic's claws.

Instead, he felt the motion of being picked up before he was met by a warm, squishy embrace.

He had been hugged.

Word count: 678

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