Chapter 3

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~Chapter 3~

(Niall's P.O.V.)

Standing on this girl's porch was the absolute last thing I wanted to be doing today. The problem is that I didn't even have a choice. The lads had forced me into the limo and as soon as we had arrived and gotten out, it had driven away. So now I'm stuck here with my four best friends that I am not liking so much right now and some snobby, rich, fangirl that would just criticize me like everyone else had.

Terrific. Please note that that word was laced and dripping with enough sarcasm to drown a fish.

I had hope at first that maybe she wouldn't be a huge fan, but as soon as I heard her blasting our songs through her house, all hope was gone.

When the girl came out of her house, I didn't even look at her. I already knew the gist of what she would look like. Really straight blonde hair, too much makeup, clothes that didn't fit and didn't cover enough of her body. I had seen enough of these girls to know what to expect. I ignored the whole conversation she had with my mates until I saw Louis lean over to whisper something in Zayn's ear.

"Hey Zayn? Do you really think she doesn't know who we are?" he seemed to really want to know. This confused me and I immediately looked up to see the girl that I had been avoiding looking at. I was feeling hatred and disgust towards her until I realized she was nothing like the other girls. The same feelings were still there but now for another reason. I hated her because she was a fan and I still had a feeling she would judge me just like the others. I was disgusted by her because she was looking back at me with a look of hurt and pain that I of course knew was fake. She was even worse than all the other fans.

I turned around and walked off the porch as I heard Harry tell her who we were. No one noticed me walk away, and I was a little hurt but also happy that I would be able to get away with out a struggle. I walked down the street, and as I passed all the house, I thought about the girl I had just seen. I hated her and was disgusted by her but she was still in my head.

She had long and wavy reddish hair and hazel eyes. She was kind of pale and seemed short for her age. If I hadn't hated her so much, I would have found her beautiful, stunning even. But that was impossible and I would never let myself get close to somebody anymore. I had been hurt too much by people that meant a lot to me. I wouldn't let it happen again.

I wasn't watching where I was going and ended up running into someone.

"Ugh! Watch where you're going pig head!" the girl shoved past me and I was miffed by her behavior. She didn't even recognize me. Maybe this neighborhood wasn't so bad after all. I turned around and sighing, walked back to where I knew the lads would be waiting for me. The house of the first girl that I would let into my life after everything that can happen.



Author's Note

I don't think I will be writing anymore unless I get more comments and votes. Because other than people reading my story, I have no reason to keep writing. So if you want more, please vote and comment, etc. I love you lovelies.


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