Chapter 4

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Hi! Please go check out my new book "The Outsider" and tell me what you think! Thanks you guys!!! I love you!



~Chapter 4~

(Aleah's P.O.V.)

"Ugh! Watch where you're going pig head!" I halfway yelled at the guy I ran into. He had a good up and sunglasses on and wouldn't look up. That's a little strange for someone in my neighborhood, but what the heck?

I was going to give my friend, Amelia, a surprise visit to tell her about the tickets that I had won to that band's convert that she liked so much. I knew she loved their songs even though she didn't actually like them. She has distanced herself from celebrities because all of her idols have gone bad in some way. I was getting closer to Amelia's house when I notice a bunch of people on her porch. It was weird since she doesn't usually have people over.

I got close enough to here them talking and realized all four of them had British accents. That is so strange, seeing as we live in Tennessee. Amelia saw me coming and waved making the boys turn and look at me. I immediately recognized them from the website from which I had won the concert tickets. It was One Direction! And they were actually quite attractive.

Some of them looked at me a little worried and I realized why. They didn't want to be discovered by fans. "Don't worry boys," I said with a smirk on my face," I'm not a fan and I don't plan on telling anyone you are hear." They relaxed and then looked a little hurt. Well, not everyone can like all the same bands can they? I'm the kind of girl who likes Jason Mraz, Plain White T's, and Straight No Chaser. I don't even bother listening to artists like One Direction or Justin Bieber.

Now that I am thinking about this, I wonder why they are here talking to my best friend. I walk up on the porch and give her a quick hug and a questioning look. She quickly explains the whole situation which she apparently just found out herself.

I feel my eyes start to water and I quickly blink the tears away before any can fall. "Hey Amelia, do I smell something cooking?" I asked hoping to distract her form the boys.

"Ooh my gosh yes! Thank you for saying that Al! My cookies are going to burn. I'll be right back," she explained walking into the house.

I turn to the boys and smile, feeling my eyes tear up again. This time I let them fall and whisper, "Thank you guys so much for doing this. I appreciate probably more than Amelia does. She is my best friend and means more to me than anyone or anything. The best thing I can think of for her is to leave this world with as many happy memories as possible." That was all I was able to get out before I started full on crying.

The boy with curly hair ran up and hugged me. I think his name was Harry. He told the other boys to go inside and talk to Amelia and that he would stay with me until I was better. Hmmm. That's sweet of him.



Author's Note

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't written in a long time. I have been really busy with school work, my play, my birthday, and many other things. Also had a severe case of writer's block. But now I am on spring break, so hopefully I will be writing more often for the next week and a half. Please vote and comment. And feel free to advertise me all you want ;)!!!


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