Mournful Meditations

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Everyone gasped and went silent. Tears built up in everyone's eyes. Casey Jr. pulled his mask down. Like other iterations, he had really come to befriend the big guy, even if it wasn't over anger issues. 

Donnie looked surprised as he brought a hand to his eyes, whipping away the streams while Mikey threw his arms around him, crying into his chest. 

"Red," said Splinter, "Raphael, my son...It can't be..."

I collapsed back onto a chair, burying my face in my hands. Raph...that big tough sweetheart...was he really gone? He just always seemed like a fortress...

I took a look around at the remaining Hamato household. It wasn't just Splinter who came back bruised and battered. It wasn't as bad, but most of the others had minor wounds that could become major problems if infected. And Leo...he was almost as hurt as his father.

I sighed and sniffled, getting back up and rummaging my med kit. At least the recovery potions didn't all need to be used. Most of this could be taken care of with some plain rubbing alcohol and bandages. On my way to start taking care of Donnie, I placed a bottle in front of Leo and simply said, "Drink."

Piebald and Frankenfoot had entered the room at some point and started helping everyone to their room as I cycled through bandaging them up. Finally, Mikey was the last, and least battered of the bunch.

"You know," said the little turtle, "I tried using those mystic powers Casey told me about...but I guess he was wrong about me. I'm not the greatest mystic warrior..."

"Miggy," I said, "Don't beat yourself up over it. This kind of thing takes time and practice to unlock...besides, Casey did tell you what happened when future you opened the portal, right?"

Mikey sighed, "I know...It's just...sometimes I feel so small and helpless. The guys are always trying to protect me...even you think of me as your brother, Val. I just want to show everyone that I could hold my own, that I'm more than just a little brother who needs to be coddled."

My eyes widened at his words. Now I began to wonder if Val felt the same way sometimes. He was almost the same age as me, but was I handicapping him by trying to take all his pressure onto myself?

"I'm sorry," I said, "I didn't realize you felt that way...You know, if you ever wanted, I could help you find some books on beginner's magic. I've gotten very familiar with the mystic library, so it shouldn't be a problem. And I'm sure your dad, Draxum that is, would be happy to help his son train his power."

Mikey's eyes widened, "Why didn't I think of that? Thanks, Tina. I'll call him as soon as possible...And yeah, I think I will try the thicker, more boring versions of comic books."

I chucked, "No problem, Miggy. You're not Val, but you're still like a brother to me and I want to help my brother and brother figures reach their full potential." At that moment, I felt the marks on my shoulders and thighs lift, phasing through my clothes and fusing together into a small orange sunstone before attaching itself to the earring. I'd kind of got so used to them, that I forgot they were there. I'd kind of would miss them. I mean, they were almost like tattoos that could be easily covered when going to work.

Later, I foundmyself back in my room, sighing as I closed the door behind me. I looked to my bed, where Lil' Val, the turtle plush from Teddy Bear Town sat with a sad look in his beady eyes. I pulled out my phone, going to my contacts and staring and Lisa's number wondering if I should tell her what happened.

I decided no. At least not before April and Cassandra, who I texted in her stead, You should probably drop by. Something terrible happened. The guys could use your support. I was sure Splinter would already have called Draxum.

I heard a sigh from the corner where my ofrenda still stood. Leo was standing over it. He seemed to have placed Raph's bandana and what looked like a piece of his shell on it. "There are two more days of Dias de Los Muerto, right?" he asked, "Do you think he'll come?"

"I guess we'll have to just wait and see."

For the next couple of days, Leo just stayed in my room, sitting in front of the ofrenda, almost seeming like he was meditating on what was lost. This holiday was supposed to be one of celebration, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him to just remember and focus on the good stuff, on the love he felt for his brother.

And as this went on, I felt a heavier and heavier feeling vibrate from the earing. It was dark and twisted. A poisonous danger that kept me rooted, sitting right next to Leo almost in the same trance he was in.

Before it was too late, I was saved by a knock at the door. That was when I noticed the turtle's marks and eyes had gone black. I startled up when I heard a knock again and Donnie said, "Tina. Are you in there? Is Leo with you? Dad's calling a family meeting..."

I threw open the door, dragging the purple-clad turtle in and saying, "Don, you got to see this! Use those mystic goggles of yours and tell me what's going on!"

His eyes widened at the sight of his brother. He flipped his goggles over his eyes and said, "Oh...that doesn't look good..." He took them off and handed them to me. As I put them on, I saw a dark aura surrounding Leo. "His ninpo seems to have wrapped...We're going to need an expert...I'll call Dadxum...I mean Draxum...You get everyone else."

A while later, my room was crammed with the Hamato Clan members. "Well, I have some good news and some bad news," Said Barry, "We can pull him out of the trance, but it's going to be tricky and dangerous. I'll need Micheal's to help me."

"Me? Really?" asked Mikey. In the past couple of days he had began his deep mystic training.

The sheep-man placed a hand on his head and said, "Of course. As my son and the most powerful mystic warrior in the future, I'm sure that means you're potential is deep. I'll guide you through it. I know you could do it because you love your brother."

Mikey nodded, saying, "I'll do whatever I can to get Leo back!"

"As for you," said Draxum to me, "Your healing abilities should be able to go beyond physical wounds. I'll need you here too."

"I' my best," I said, feeling like it was my fault for just sitting by as Leo sunk into the darkness, so it was my responsibility to help in any way I could. A few symbols were drawn around Leo before the three of us sat down and took each other's hands. Everyone else had taken several steps back.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a bleak world that didn't quite suit the turtle's extraness and it felt like I was breathing in toxins. All around, voices rang saying things like: "I'm useless," "Idiot," and "I deserve to be alone." 

"Leo?" said Mikey, "Leo, where are you?"

"There!" said Draxum, "Leon's over there!" We turned to see a shadowy figure, only recognizable by his distinguishing mark coming at us, katanas drawn and ready for attack. He lunged at me, the obvious weaker of the pack, but even in this mindscape, I had a sickle and was able to catch the blades in its curved hook.

"Leo...Snap out of this," I said, "We're here to help you!" Just then, Mikey's chains and Draxum's vines wrapped around him, barely pulling him back and keeping him bound.

"Tina, use your power now!" said Draxum. 

I took a deep breath in, placing my hands on his temples, pushing forth my teal power against some sort of resistance. "Come on, come on...Let me in!" I said. An echo rang out, asking, "Why?" "Why?" I yelled out, "Because we love you! I love you!"

That seemed to have given me enough of a push to be able to use my power, but the resistance wasn't weakened. I felt almost a shock through my body before we came out of the mindscape and back into the physical world. 

Being directly in front of Leo, I caught him as he fell forward. "Tina..." he said.

Huffing for breath, I hushed him replying with, "Just sleep for now," as I patted him on the shell. Those black marks didn't go away with the trance and if I knew anything about symbolism in media, it was that this meant that this was only the beginning. Most Leos seemed to go through a brooding phase after all and I guess it was the same for this one.

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