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"tell me what your life was like outside this prison?" jungkook whispered, hand reaching towards taehyung's face as he slowly and softly brushed the males hair out his face. 

"it is just me, my baby brother and my two parents at home. we also have a cat and dog. shady is the cat's name and nico is the dogs name. my p-parents are shit parents, they never should have become parents"

"I dont know why they had another child, they never looked after me. whenever I was young and tried to dress myself and when I was struggling I called out to my mother but she said I need to grow up and learn how to dress myself"

"I was two at that time" the brunette whispered, not making eye contact with jungkook. 

"I worked on their farm, not getting paid." the only lie he said in the whole explanation. 

"I was not allowed to do anything with my life, was not allowed to make friends or date anyone. I have always wanted to leave that household to do my own thing." taehyung whispered. everything he was saying is true, he was only allowed to go to work. never allowed to go out. 

"I was just waiting for my baby brother to grow up first and then take him and the cat and dog away with me"

"I feel anxious, not knowing if they are all being looked after. they probably hired a nanny to take care of all that stuff"

"when I get out of here, I dont know how I am meant to face them. especially after my father set me up and is the reason why I am stuck in here for years" 

jungkook did not say a word, he let taehyung voice out his thoughts and opinions. letting the male vent was the best thing he could do. sometimes people dont even need advice, they just want someone to listen.

"jimin was the first person to ever really care for me, to ever want to protect me and be there for me"

that was something the raven could not relate to, jungkook had to grow up fast as well. he had a rough relationship with his parents, and cut ties with them as soon as he turned 18. having jimin in his life really helped him continue on, even though he felt like he had no purpose. 

"enough of me, tell me about you" the brunette whispered, looking at jungkook who's eyes were already on him. 

"there is not much to know" 

taehyung smiled. 

"I highly doubt that"

jungkook felt his heart skip a beat when he watched taehyung smile, it was one of the most beautiful smiles he has ever seen. 

"never had a relationship with my parents, jimin was my only family. we both met another group of males who were suffering like we were. so we formed a group did illegal things for money until we could afford to buy a house"

"once we did, we noticed people started to fear me. started to get lots of missions and heists, money started coming in and the rest is history" 

"d-do you kill people" taehyung blurted out, soon slapping his hand over his mouth. the raven chuckled and shuffled a little closer to taehyung. 

"I am going to be honest and say we do but, never innocent people. it is always people that have done horrible things or backstabbed me" 

taehyung was not sure on what he was expecting to hear, of course they killed people. maybe his head is filled with news paper headlines about how mafia gang riots killed innocent people. sometimes the brunette forgets their is not just one mafia group. there are hundreds.

"I am sure you have heard lots of stuff about mafia groups and stuff" he heard jungkook say, he looked up a little to meet his eyes and nodded. 

"as soon as I heard you were in this jail and I was your cellmate, I was scared shitless" 

the raven hummed, fingers grazing the males jawline. 

"what makes you not scared now" the mafia boss whispered, eyes meeting the brunette's. 

"cause you make me feel safe"  and that was not a lie.

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