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once all the inmates came back in, jungkook went straight to the shower. after he finished his shower he walked into the cell to see taehyung laying on his bed, reading a book. he brushed the hair from his face and dried his hair with a towel before laying down next to taehyung who just placed his book down. 

the brunette smiled and turned to his side, their eyes met as they both shuffled closer. 

"guess the visitation did not go well?" taehyung shook his head, sighing. 

"he just pisses me off, I was hurt for so long over it but now I am just angry" the male explained, placing his arm on jungkook's chest. 

"what things was he saying?"

"just that by the time I get out they all will be gone, that he set me up and he seemed so proud of himself" 

"I dont think I have ever been more disgusted of someone before, both my parents did not deserve to be parents" taehyung continued, shaking his head as he felt like he was getting more pissed off. 

jungkook did not like taehyung's parents one bit. there was so much he wanted to say but did not know where to start. "if I tell you something, will you keep it a secret?" the raven asked taehyung, smiling when the male nodded and turned to look up at him. 

"I have two dirty cops that are in this jail, officer choi is my main one. he does me favours and I give money to him for the favours he does. jimin has been getting choi to look into your parents to see if he can find any dirt" that shocked taehyung, he sat up a little and opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. 

"if we find anything, I wont do anything unless you want me to" that calmed taehyung down a little, he nodded slowly and smiled. "thank you" he whispered, truly meaning it. the feeling of jungkook's warm hand on his thigh always felt so nice, he felt the males fingers trace along his warm skin. 

it felt as if minutes went by and they were still staring at each other, taehyung had no idea that feelings like this even existed. he connected their lips together, smiling when jungkook kissed back immediately. 

soon taehyung's hands were threaded through jungkook's dark locks. the raven gripped the smallers waist and lifted him up onto his lap. the brunette yelped into the kiss but soon calmed down after their lips disconnected. the air in the room felt as if it grew thicker, both of them not looking anywhere else besides each other. 

taehyung looked down at jungkook before connecting their lips again, groaning when jungkook bit his lower lip soon feeling a tongue graze his own. 

the mafia boss felt feelings he has never felt before as well, taehyung was so special and he was someone jungkook never wanted to let go. for the first time jungkook had a reason to live, a reason to keep moving forward. 

before taehyung, he always felt so down, felt like he was doing nothing useful even though he was helping people get off the streets. seeing people around him fall in love, get into relationships was hard. he never saw himself getting into one, no one made his heart skip.

that was until he met taehyung, it was the nicest feeling. something jungkook wanted to have forever. he knows he likes taehyung, how could he not. the male is gorgeous, funny, sweet, kind and caring. he wanted to protect the brunette for the rest of his life, provide for him. 

give taehyung the love, care, happy moments and family that he never had. 

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