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jungkook and jimin were both outside, it was just before it was dinner time and they all felt more nervous as it got closer to them escaping. they both were shooting hoops, everyone else was on the other half of the court or sitting down somewhere.

"where is taehyung?" jimin questioned, dribbling the ball before passing it to jungkook.

"he had a visitation, he should be back but I think he is setting up for tonights dinner" the raven whispered, knee's bent as he threw the ball into the hoop. jimin hummed and took a shot as well, looking around the court yard to make sure no one was listening.

"how do you feel about tonight?" jimin whispered, passing the ball to him.

"honestly nervous, escaping prison is not easy but I hope the plan works out. just thinking about what our lives could be like if we were out of here" the raven whispered, brushing his hair before passing the ball back to jimin.

"I know, I think the same. I also think that we will be giving taehyung a different view on life that he has never had" jimin added, watching as jungkook smiled and nodded.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with him, I really love him chim. I have never felt this way towards someone before" hearing that coming from jungkook was something incredible to jimin, he has never seen the male talk about anyone the way he does with taehyung.

the way he smiles whenever taehyung gets brought up, or when the brunette walks through the door.

after their outdoor time was over they all had to go inside, it was time for dinner. their last dinner inside this prison hopefully. the raven winked at taehyung who was helping serve food, chuckling when the male blushed. he followed jimin to their normal seats.

"what country are we moving to?" jimin whispered to jungkook as they all ate.

"greece. namjoon apparently has booked an apartment for all of us to stay in until we can start building on a piece of land" jungkook replied back, smiling when jimin smiled.

"greece is beautiful, I can definitely see us all living there"

jungkook looked around the room to see everyone eating and talking, he watched taehyung walk over to them with his tray and sat down next to jungkook. "sick of this food" the male grumbled, causing the raven to chuckle and place his hand on his thigh.

"lucky for you, you wont have to eat this stuff after tonight" jungkook whispered, looking at taehyung who nodded. "fingers crossed".

"I cant believe that after we eat and we all go to our cells that we will be in the second to last phase of our plan" jimin whispered, looking down at his food.

"I am so ready" brooklyn said, stabbing the plastic fork into the brunt mash-potato.

"stick to the plan and we should be good' jungkook replied, soon going quiet when a officer walked past.

they had all been in their cells for a decent amount of time now, it was getting later and taehyung was anxiously sitting on the bed. his knee bouncing up and down as he tried to calm his breathing. "if you want to back out now tae. you can-" jungkook whispered but was soon cut off my taehyung who shook his head.

"no, sorry. I am just nervous, this is pretty illegal" the brunette sighed, trying to keep his breaths steady.

jungkook understood why taehyung was so nervous, he was expecting this reaction from him. he decided not to tell the male to calm down, or tell him everything will be okay as he did not know if it will be. he has faith in his team though.

"if this works, it will be worth it all in the end" jungkook smiled at that comment and sat down next to him.

"it will be" he whispered, linking their hands together as the brunette rested his head on jungkook's shoulder.

"when we get that big piece of land we should make a mini house on it and rescue dogs, give them a home" taehyung whispered, jungkook liked the idea and definitely wanted to remember that. he had been paying close attention to every word taehyung said, all the things he was saying he wanted to do and be able to achieve.

as soon as they both heard a faint knock on the door their eyes widened, taehyung turned to look at jungkook who had a finger to his lips. he quietly got up and peaked through the small gap in the window. after waiting for a few minutes, taehyung got up and started to stuff their pillows under the blankets.

as jungkook slowly opened the door they were met with the others who were heading their way, jimin waved towards them as they quietly headed towards the washroom. none of them said a word until the door was quietly shut.

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