Day 4x3 - The Hunt

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Day 4x3 - The Hunt

You nod to Bonnie. Like how you dealt with Freddy you knew you'd have to deal with Monty. Better you see him than he sees you. You pretend Bonnie wishes you good luck and you thank him.

You determine the best way to talk to him would in Rockstar Row. If that glass was really bulletproof then it would be the safest bet. You decide to take the stairs up to the raceway. It provided a little more time as you think about what to say to him.

Outside your workshop were scattered maps on the ground, presumably from the map bot. Whatever. A janitor bot would circle the area eventually and clean it up.

Using your phone flash for additional light you continue on. The pale walls in the fire escape route remained as dull as ever. To think, it was only a few days ago you were running here in fear of Freddy. Tonight it was Monty.

Your security lanyard swayed ever so slightly as you climbed the stairs. Did Monty have a number you could call? It would probably be safer than confronting him.

The raceway was as dark as always, the same bots cleaning up and patrolling the area. There was no sign of Roxanne or any of the Fazbear 4.

Calling Monty, to warn him you were coming was a good idea. With no idea how to reach him you call the one person you can reach, Vanessa.

Typing of the numbers later it dings. Her location reads as "BAKERY". "Damnit (Y/N)! You blew my position!" You could tell from her watch she was running. "Get back here you oversized bird!" She shouted. "Argh." She says fed up and looks to the watch. "What is it?" She asks annoyed. "Sorry, is this a bad time?"

"Not anymore. What do you need?" She sighs.

"I'm going to try and talk some sense into Monty. Is it possible to call him? Does he have a watch?"

"Well, all the animatronics do...But Freddy is the only one who really uses it during the night. I don't think I've ever seen Monty use it."

"Do you know what his number is?"

"No idea."

"Alright." You say a bit saddened. "I'll just see if I can talk to him myself."

"You sure about that? He should be calmer now but anything can set him off."

"Well, I'll be in charge of him eventually. I might as well settle this now." You respond. "You did say he can't break through the glass right?"

"Yeah, it's reinforced. There's no way he can get through it. I'm almost done with work here. If you want me to be nearby when you talk to him I can."

"It's okay. I should be fine."

"Whatever, your funer-choice." Vanessa paused. "If you need something to settle him down there should be some laser guns in the arcade. It'll stun him. Only use it if he gets too riled. He hates it."

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

"Now, don't call me again unless it's an emergency. I'm trying to catch Chica." Vanessa hung up without giving you a chance to say anything.

As you continue to proceed through the race course you look up to the rafters above. How the hell was Monty able to manoeuvre them so well? He must have had practice. You nearly stumble over something but catch yourself. Turning around you see Monty's cowboy hat. An idea occurs. Maybe you can use it as a reason to talk to him. You take the hat putting it around your neck.

Laser guns in the arcade. You hadn't been there yet. Being a senior technician to you meant tending to the animatronics. You wondered if it included fixing arcade machines too.

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