Day 4x6 - Everything Under the Sun

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Day 4x6 - Everything Under the Sun

"Well, pleassseeed to meet you! I'm Sun!"

Finally, outside of Rockstar Row you notice the bots had cleaned up. There was no sign of the mess Monty had made earlier. There was a slight dent in the wall where the cart had smashed into, but it wasn't very noticeable.

Any indicators there had even been a struggle here were gone too, the concert hall looked back to normal. Of course, in dimmed light it's possible that more damages would reveal themselves in the morning. You shrug, that's not your problem though.

Following your map, you make it to the main entrance. At the top of the lobby was a normal sized red door with "Daycare Pickup" painted in graffiti on the wall next to it. You continue through it.

A thought enters you head. If the animatronics free roam who is to say he is even in the daycare? You leave a note in your phone to request all the animatronics numbers when you write your report.

Unlike the other parts of the plex this area was more minimal. It was darker here with less neon lights illuminating everything. Just before you enter the actual daycare something catches your attention. The vending machines!

There were vending machines of each animatronic. You find it cute and take a photo. You didn't have any change on you but now that you knew, you'd remember to bring some tomorrow. They all seemed to have their own brands of soda. You guess they're related to each animatronic's 'perfume'. Freddy's must be vanilla soda. You think.

The door slides open with ease.

The daycare itself was a bit different than what you were expecting. It was more plain looking than what you'd seen so far. Not that you could imagine what a 'retro daycare' would look like. The area was all blue having almost a lounge appearance with a chain-link wall at the end. There were a few regular looking tables around with chairs with blue stars for backings. In the centre of the room was a golden statue like you had seen before. This one of Sun and Moon posing like dancers. On either side of the room were two massive TVs showing animations of the two attendants. There were also a few cubby units for bags, shoes, or whatever belongings the kids had. They were empty of course.

For a daycare it sure appeared small. There weren't many places for the kids to play.

Getting closer to the chain wall your eyes widen, now seeing the real daycare for all its glory.

It was a massive complex of plastic structures and bright colourful playgrounds. Floors of mats and soft materials lined the floor. Just from your view you could see ball pits, play areas and maze-like tunnels rising off the ground. There were giant plushies, building blocks, little seating areas, resting areas and more. Even in the night the place was still very well-lit, and you could see a lot.

Sure, you were a bit big for some of the stuff there, but you could easily imagine yourself getting lost for hours in it. Your inner child screamed in happiness. You could only imagine how it looked lit up during the day.

There was no sign of Sun or Moon, however. The place was completely devoid of any activity, even the usual maintenance bots. To the left it looked like a normal entrance to the complex, but you were more interested in the entrance to the right. There was a slide tunnel into the ball pit that read "SLIDE INTO FUN" next to it, presumably for kids getting dropped off.

Ah, what the hell, you think. Live a little. You go up to the slide and hop in. Colours of the rainbow flash through your view as you slide down, cheering as you slid. You land right into a ball pit, easily sinking down.

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