Day 5Ax2 - That Which Plagued The Plex

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Day 5Ax2 - That Which Plagued The Plex

"Alright, let's get you out of here."

You place your ear upon the door. You hear nothing but the near-quiet buzzing of janitor and security bots moving around the area. Without trying to alert anyone you jiggle the handle, the door was unlocked.

Opening it as carefully as you can you peer in. You immediately notice a security bot staring at Bonnie, looking at him. It realizes the door open and darts out. You're nearly knocked over the bot rolls out.

You're immediately accosted and nearly knocked over as the bot rolls out, off in some random direction.

Nevermind the bot, you quickly close and lock the door and inspect Bonnie. He mouth was ajar but was otherwise untouched.

There was no way you were going to turn him on now before doing a full diagnostic. You hadn't forgotten about those bots that intimidated you earlier. How did the bot even get in?

Looking over the rest of the for sabotage you notice that there are a few more boxes added to the room but aside from that it looked the same. There was also a note laying upon Bonnie's head from the rep. Oh, he probably just forgot to turn off the lights and left the door unlocked. Still doesn't explain the bot though. Was the rep behind it? You figure not. He didn't seem like a malicious one. Besides, there were plenty of other forces in this plex that wanted Bonnie dead. Either way you were going to do a check over now.

It was a hefty note, a few pages long, stapled together. In Bonnie's arms was a laminate folder containing even more documents. You pull up the chair next to Bonnie and take a seat. The opening statement explained that you were expected to read all documentation here.

You start.

The representative commended your efforts so far and reminded you of your refusal to use the Fazbear repair machines but noted that you likely did a far better job than it could have done. He states that in order to 'boot' the animatronic you would have to use the machine. Alternatively he suggests you could make a defibrillator-like setup and shock him up but advised against it. He pleaded you to use the machine for that part as it has just been the way to turn on the animatronics anyways. Though the idea of supercharging your tazer to bring him to life is tempting you decide to just hook him up later and have it do its magic.

He was a little concerned about Monty's behaviour and spent some time looking through the footage. While he wasn't impressed at Monty's first actions he did say that Monty had been acting far more behaved. "He even opened his room up!"

He was astounded by Monty's actions stating that "I don't know what you did to Monty but he's completely changed! He was even playing with kids and letting them tour his green room. In all my time here he's never done that. He kept asking about you too. Wanted to know when you would come in. It's like he's a different person now."

The rep stated that despite Bonnie's revival there was no intention of decommissioning Monty. "That gator is the most paranoid of them all." He wrote he hadn't heard of any of the bands you recommended but that Monty would not be leaving the band, stating that the head honchos didn't like the idea either. "He thinks to lowly of himself. We'd never get rid of him."

He liked the idea of you running some diagnostics on Monty but stated that it should be done after Bonnie is up and running.

"Monty has had issues with past technicians so we haven't actually run diagnostics on him since the SB-9 incident. He's very apprehensive about letting anyone near his inner systems."

He concluded the report with a few more pieces of information. For one, in a separate box would be a 'technician' uniform you would be expected to wear now. Second, there was a paper in the box that had a list of all the animatronics numbers as well as watch numbers.

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