Day 4x4 - Crocodile Tears

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Day 4x4 - Crocodile Tears

"You have to believe me!"

Your heart was still beating rapidly. There'd been too many close calls in the past few days. You knew you'd be fine but your chest still hurt slightly. Not to mention the other 'injuries' you had accrued today.

But never mind yourself.

Now that you had a bearing and time to breath you start to assess the situation. You look up to the monstrous animatronic above you. While he did save your life and Bonnie's, you couldn't help but tremble at his presence.

In-between wheezing and shallow breathes you manage to spit out "S-so yo-you're the DJ?"

DJMM looks down and flashes you a full smile. The inside of his mouth looked like a lava lamp with clouds of notes flowing in it. The DJ was also playing some sort of techno music very quietly. It echoed from his head.

"That's right." He boomed. "I heard your little kerfuffle." You noted some reverb in his voice, perfect for large stadiums.

"You must be (Y/N). I've heard a lot about you." A gloved hand descends in front of you. You shake one of the finger tips.

The DJ's attention was then turned to Monty. He was still struggling, albeit weaker now. It was clear to Monty that he would not be going anywhere.

"Now then. What do we do with you." The DJ says. His voice was deep with a curious inflection. With his thumb he pet Monty idly. He just tried to duck and avoid the DJ's belittling but was unable to move. He was starring daggers at you, furious and thinking this was some sort of trap you laid for him.

The DJ looks back to you, expectantly.

"Can you just hold him for now? I need to talk to him." You muster. The DJ nods.

You noticed you've been tensing your shoulders the whole time so you let them down. A stress headache builds and you feel the back of your head and forehead began to hurt. You rub the back of your neck idling, trying to massage the stress away.

Regaining your composure and taking a few deep breaths you get ready. There was no way Monty could hurt you, you repeat in your thoughts. Your goal was to find the truth.

You get a little closer to Monty. "Can I speak to you now?" You ask as nicely as you could.

Monty just grunts at you, brushing you off.

His struggling has pretty much stopped. Even his tail which was swaying outside of the DJ's fingers had relaxed. He was still angry but perhaps he would be more receptive now. He wasn't flailing his arms about thanks to them being trapped.

It looked like he wasn't going to be cooperative. You decide to just speak and hopefully he listens.

"Look, you don't need to say anything. Just listen. Please."

"Okay." You say begin.

"As of today I have officially become the senior technician here." Monty's eyes widen when you say that.

"Oh, my." You hear the DJ mutter under his breath.

"I'm in charge of you all."

Monty looked as if he were going to say something but stops. He head sinks down, defeated. To Monty, you weren't just some shmuck anymore. You were one of the bosses.

"And I don't intend on leaving." Your voice cracked upon saying that. You clear your throat. It took a lot to keep your composure after nearly dying twice in a few hours.

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