Chapter 2 ( Finney POV )

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As Y/n walked out of the bathroom I stood there kinda surprised and confused cause normally she would of probably joined in with them bullying me.

Then Robin walks in, "Hey Finney how's it going?" Robin asks, "something rlly weird just know that Y/n girl that usually makes fun of me?" I say.

"Yh what happened I just bumped into her on the way in...what u guys kiss or smth" Robin says laughing, while washing his hands.
"Nah the boys that always bully me came in following me, then Y/n came in and then she stuck up for me and said like "only I make fun of this nark" and I'm just confused." I say.
"Woah bro sounds like she's being protective of you" Robin answers laughing again, grabbing tissues.
"Anyways u think u could come help me with homework at my house after school today?" Robin asks
"Is it math again?" I say basically already knowing the answer.
"Yeh u know it" he says chuckling,
"Should we go to class now I think the bells gonna go in a min and we have the same 2nd period"
"Yh bro let's go" Robin answers leading the way to English.

( time skip to 3rd period )

Im kinda nervous cause I have 3rd period science with Y/n but it's whatever I say to myself.

I sit down at the back off the class and Y/n sits one row forward in the middle of the room so I can still kinda see half of her face.

I wasn't listening to the teacher I was messing around with my rocket pen, until I looked up and see Y/n and Bruce Yamada laughing and talking and I don't know why but I felt kinda mad. Like I know Y/n's popular but I was just annoyed.

( end of 3rd period )

I walk out of 3rd period and go to my locker when her and a girl I think her name is Priah or something walk past me.
Me and Y/n hold eye contact for a few seconds until she turns the corner to go to her next lesson.

Anyways I walk to math and I have it with Robin so I'll just talk to him abt it, he should know.

I sit down at the back row and Robin sits next to me and this teacher is really strict so I decide to just write notes.

I tear a piece of paper and write "hey rob can I ask u smth"and then I pass him the note he reads it and starts writing "yup ask away" he wrote I think before I write but then I just say "how do u know if you like a girl?" I ask passing him the note.

As he reads it his eyes widen and he slightly laughs writing "woah bro who's the lucky lady" he passes it back I think then I write "it may or may not be Y/n but it doesn't mean I like her I'm just asking to see!"
I pass it to Robin, he reads it and laughs.

Then at the worst possible time the teacher Mrs Griff walks up to our table and takes the note out of Robins hand.
"Whatever ur writing now u can share to the class" she says about to read the note.

I go all red because I know Y/n's sister Donna is in this class and Donna will definitely tell Y/n, and Bruce is in this class and since she and him were all buddy buddy in science he'll tell her aswell.

Mrs Griff starts, I look at her with pleading eyes but she doesn't care.
"Hey rob can I ask you something". "Yup ask away". "How do you know if you like a girl" The teacher pauses staring at me as I hear snickering from all across the room.

I bury my head in shame as I know I'm about to be humiliated by this old ass teacher that should already be in a care home by now and I just feel violated at this point.

Mrs Griff continues "woah bro who's the lucky lady" Mrs Griff pauses again.

Probably trying to put her ugly ass dentures back in place again I think to my self and sigh rolling my eyes.

She carry's on "it may or may not be Y/n it doesn't mean I like her tho I'm just asking to see!"

Everyone starts laughing and making fun of me as this old ass ugly fugly wrinkly stinky ratty ass teacher walks of smirking throwing the note in the trash.

I just wish the whole floor would just swallow me and never let me out again.

But Donna looked at me and it looked like she actually felt bad for me, she gave me a small sorry smile while I just nod and look away.
Not concentrating for the rest of the lesson not wanting to listen to that rat of a teacher.

Words: 843

Not the maths lesson giving me second hand embarrassment 😭😭
Lord god save finney 🙏😞
LMAO anyways this one was longer than the other and sorry if there's any mistakes I'm gonna proof read and edit when I finish the story cause I'm lazy but I'm gonna try and make nest one about the same amount or more words than this chapter but anyways CYAA ILYSM BYEEEE 🫶🫶🫶

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