Chapter 8 ( Finney POV )

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I was walking to my next lesson everyone was looking at me and whispering, not impossible but a little weird.

I go to my locker and see a note.

'I don't know why she chose u bro but well done we've all been trying to get her forever.'


Wait y/n?

I shut my locker confused when I see y/n talking to Donna before I can go over some boys come over and start talking to me.

"Yo how did you get her to give you head? All off us have been waiting for her" one of them says laughing.

"Yeah she just never gives in idk why she chose u out of everyone" another adds laughing again.

I stand there confused.

Until y/n walks over to me tears in her eyes "how could you do this to me" she says before slapping me, hard, in the face and storming off.

The boys from before stood there laughing "yeah u can just tell she's such a whore" the one says.

"Can u guys just stop it never happened okay!" I say storming off to my next lesson.

Time skip to last lesson history:
I get to history, and she never shows up.

I guess she went home then I think to myself.

I sit in lesson thinking of what I could say to her to make her understand to make her happy again so she wouldn't be upset with me.

That's the last thing I want, I really like her I would hate if she was mad cause it was so perfect but all that had to get ruined.

Time skip to after school:
I start walking with Gwen.

"I have to go somewhere I'll be home later" I say to Gwen turning the corner to y/n's house.

I knock on the door,her mom answers "hello how can I help?" Her mom says politely.

"Um- hey I'm here to talk to y/n is she in?" I ask standing there awkwardly.

"Yeah she is let me go get her wait here a second" y/n's mom adds calling her name.

Y/n comes to the door hey eyed puffy and red.

"Hello?" She said bluntly.

"Um hi I just wanted to talk about today? I'm really sorry I just wanted to let u know that I never said that. They came up to me and I was all confused I didn't know what they were talking about." I paused my rambling "I just wanted to say sorry and I hope u forgive me" I finish looking at her emotionless face.

"You wanna know something finney? Forgiveness is a sweet thing finney Blake, but you don't deserve sweet things" she says a tear rolling down her face as she shuts the door infront off me.

I stood there in shock.

I don't know how to fix this, I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I've never felt a way and I don't know what to do about it.

I walk home still confused and kind off upset about what happened.

I go to my room and lie on my bed thoughts ramming my brain until my eyes close and my brain gets exhausted.

Time skip to the morning at school:
I walk into school not seeing her.

Priah pulls me to the side "wtf did u do" she asks.

"That's the thing, I don't know" I answer honestly.

"Well al I know is that she's upset and blames you for all of this" Priah says rolling her eyes.

"Me?, I didn't start that stupid rumour!" I add kind of annoyed.

"Rumour? What rumour" Priah asks.

"Wait u don't know? Well basically,me and her were...k-kissing in the stool of the boys toilets when a boy opened the door" I say nervously.

"Omg that's why everyone's saying she gave you head" Priah says nonchalantly.

My face goes bright red and I just nod in agreement.

Priah walks off to her lesson and I just go to my locker to try and cool down.

"Hey did hear about that girl that gave someone head in the boys toilets" some random guy says.

"Yeah she's such a slut honestly" the girl next to him says.

I furrow my eyebrows to how someone can talk about another person like that.

"Hey con you not." I say butting into their conversation.

"Yeah- oh are u the guy she gave head to then" the guy says laughing.

"No nothing happened it was all made up" I say rolling my eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever weirdo" the girl adds scoffing. They both walk off whispering while I just go back to my locker and see the note she wrote for me that day sitting on a pile of books.

I pick up the note before putting back slotting it into the pages of my note book and walking to class.

Time skip to after school:
I'm walking home but then I realise I need to go to the grab-and-go cause I needed to go grab some snacks for me and Gwen I turn the corner.

"I'm gonna go grab snacks cya" I say to Gwen walking off.

"Yeah cya when u get home kid" she says turning the corner to our house.

I walk into the store and look up when I meet eyes with her.

To be continued...

words: 904

and I wanna kms cause I hate school😭😭
So I don't know when I'm gonna be able to update I'm gonna have to try and finish the story before I go back to school cause I planned the end off the book earlier so I know what I wanna do and I hope to finish so that I can focus on one thing with school so yeah 💀😔


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