Chapter 12

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Finney and y/n step outside both standing underneath the umbrella y/n was holding as both of them just hold eye contact until.

Finney POV:

"What are we" I ask breaking the silence surrounding us.

"I-I don't know" y/n says abit taken aback.

"Well what could we be?" I ask nervously.

She doesn't respond, she's looking at the ground and I know she was crying.

"We could be us." I say bluntly.

She looks up at me tears down her beautiful face.

"I wanted us." She pauses.
"And I didn't want the fucking mess that happened in the middle" she says pausing again, taking a big breath.

"But I don't know how us can work when everything has went to shit, I didn't get what I want, I wanted you to be my only kiss and I wanted you to be the only person that could make me feel like this.." she rambled on stopping to take a breath.

"And only half of that has stayed true..." she adds holding eye contact with me.

"You, Finney Blake are the only person that can make me feel like this.." she says a tear rolling down her cheek.

"What..." I say quietly.

Y/n POV:

I pause tears falling down my cheeks.

I can tell he doesn't know what to do, doesn't know what to say.

I continue.

"I think you'll be the only one to ever make me feel like this, ever.." I add grabbing his hand and keeping my other hand holding the umbrella.

His eyes widen as he tightens the grip of our hands together.

"I just hope you feel the same, cause if you don't you can stop me now." I say leaning in and kissing him.

Dropping the umbrella putting one hand on his face and keeping the other one holding his hand.

He leans into the kiss putting his free hand on my waist and pulling me in.

Rain going down our faces leaving us soaked.

But it didn't matter cause we were with each other and it couldn't be more perfect.

He pulls back.

"You could have anyone, why me?" He asks his eyes getting watery.

My heart sank.

He felt so little of himself, and it hurt.

"Because you acted like you didn't want me and it made me want you." I pause sniffling.

"I wanted you to be mine, and I think somehow I've always loved you finney Blake." I say smiling gently.

His eyes widen as a small smile creeps on his face.

"I've loved you to y/n miller ever since I first saw you, I just didn't know what to do because you were so popular and I knew you wouldn't even notice anyone like me-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Just shut up, why do you think so badly of yourself, can't you're perfect with your perfect hair and you're perfect smile" I say sighing.

"So please, don't talk about yourself like that because I love you finney Blake and I care" I add hugging him.

Finney POV:


She really cares that much?

I lightly cry as she leans her head in the crook of my neck.

I can't stop myself from smiling from her words.

I breath in.

"I'm glad it was me, I'm glad you chose me y/n miller." I say holding her tighter.



I loved making this book it isn't fully over tho I'm gonna make a chapter where they all go to prom together and I will be showing outfits and such and just a little story of them going to prom and I'm sorry this chap was kinda short I didn't know what to add cause I hate when they get together in like the beginning of the story and it's just about their relationship so yeah I hope you like this one cause I'm gonna make the prom one now or in a bit

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