Chapter 6 ( Finney POV )

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( A/n: sorry I've not been active like at all but I'm hoping to get into writing everyday again so yh 😭)

"How about we do the project at my place, just us two, no party this time" Y/n asks while sitting next to me.

"Sure whatever" I answer.

I'm still mad about what happened but it doesn't matter.

( time skip to Y/n house cause I'm lazy and school is boring )

When we walking into Y/n house no one was home and it was actually a really nice place I didn't pay attention last time.

"We can go up to my room or we can stay in the living room if you want ?"
She asks first.

"I think we should stay in the living room cause we have loads of space down here" I answer back.

"Oh okay" she adds.

We both sit around the table and we're both just writing stuff down about the project, when I notice that Y/n stops writing and just stares at me.

"Um hello?" I answer awkwardly.

"O-oh I zoned out, sorry" she says quickly.

"U-Um it's fine" I answer and at this point it's like really really awkward.

We carry on working on the project and Y/n walks into the kitchen and and walked out with a bottle of what looks like alcohol.

(Oh I forgot to mention that Finney's dad isn't like how he is in the movie)

I look at her abit stunned.

"Should we have abit, I can't lie this is like really boring"she says walking to the table with the alcohol and two glasses.

"S-Sure" I say kinda nervous.

"Hey, it's fine nothings gonna happen" she adds noticing how nervous I am about it.

My dad always told me to stay away from alcohol cause it ruins your head and messes with your mind.

But once couldn't hurt, right?

She pours two glasses ome for me one for her, and it's obvious but we are both are 15 and both light weights but it's better for her cause she has went to loads of party's so she can handle it better.

"So u just shot it and it wont be as bad as sipping it" she says holding the glass in her hand.




We both shot it and after finishing we both make sour faces but continue having a few more shots then just watching tv.

(Time skip)

Suddenly it kicks in.

The 4 shots of alcohol kicks in and we both look at each other knowing it had just kicked in finally for both of us.

She looks into my eyes "look I'm really sorry about what I said at school, I promise you I didn't mean it,I really promise" she says kind of slurring the words but still very understandable what she's saying.

I stare back "it's okay I mean I knew u didn't even think of me as a friend so I don't know why I made my self believe anything else" I say chuckling.

"No, why would you say that I- just forget it" she says cutting herself off.

We just hold eye contact our faces moving closer until we're inches away.


The phone goes off before we could kiss and she quickly pulls away looking into my eyes shocked and runs to the phone kind of tripping over everything on the floor.

I sat there visibly shocked and surprised and confused and upset?

Upset it didn't happen?

Upset that it nearly did happen?

"Hello this is Y/n miller who is this?" She says into the phone while looking at the wall avoiding eye contact.

"Oh hey mom, how are you?" She says after a few seconds.

"Okay thanks....mhm....yeh that's fine....I'll see you soon....I love you too mom....cya" is all she said down the phone.

"I think I should go" I say standing up then falling over.

"NO-I mean no u can stay if you'd like...if you don't want your dad seeing you like this?" She says awkwardly.

"Um okay but I don't have anything" I say nervous.

"Um I have a oversized shirt and some basketball shorts u can wear to sleep in...and also u can call your dad on the phone so he's not worried or anything" she says practically thinking aloud.

"Yeh that sounds think I could use your shower?" I ask trying to be as polite as possible and forgetting we almost just kissed.

"Yeh sure I'll put a towel in before you go in" she says.

" really don't have to" I answer cause last I knew she hated me didn't want to be seen with me and wouldn't even class me as her friend.

"No it's really no problem..I'll be back in a minute" Y/n says whilst she's running up the staircase.

(It's about 5pm on a Thursday ? 😭)

She runs down "hey, I put the towel in there so you can shower now" she says kind of out of breath.

"O-okay thanks again" I say while walking up the stairs to shower.

(Time skip)

I get out the shower and pick up the towel and dry my hair abit with it before wrapping it around my waist.

Forgetting that this isn't my house and my shower with my family.

I walking out and straight away in front of the bathroom is Y/n's room her door wide open sitting on her bed with the clothes in her hand.

And I remember.


To be continued...

Words: 936

I was gonna make them kiss but I was nah that can wait LMAO
but next chapter 🫣🫣 just wait I'm gonna start writing it now or after I've had abit of a break anyways ILYSM AND I HOPE YOU LOVE THIS BOOK CAUSE I LIVE WRITING IT AGHHHH 🙏🤭😍😍😍

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