Chapter 11 ( Y/n POV )

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Finney kissed my sister?
I wanted to be over him, I thought I was over him, why would he do that?

I ran to my room not caring anymore, when Bruce ran in after me I was crying in his arms as he comforted me.

Just then I noticed how handsome he actually was and how he was taking care of me.

Before thinking I leaned in and kissed him.

I pulled back my eyes widening immediately regretting what I had done in the moment.

"Omg I'm so sorry, it was in the moment i was upset and it didn't mean anything again I'm really sorry" I ramble standing up going over to my dresser.

"Hey I understand you're upset, it's fine. Let's just not talk about it yh?" Bruce says as I nod my head.

Just then I see Finney walk past my room I can tell he was trying not to get caught.

And it hit me.

He saw me kiss Bruce.

He heard me say sorry right? He should understand I was mad he kissed my sister for gods sake.

He can't be mad at me.

Me and Bruce go downstairs together and see everyone awkwardly just talking in groups.

Finney looks annoyed.

I go over to him "can we talk about this tomorrow I'm not in the mood" I say to him and walk off.

But he looks upset.

Everyone leaves and now I'm cleaning up after everyone else.

'I don't know what I should say to him now, how do I act, what do I do, apologise, he needs to apologise too' I think to myself while taking out the trash.

Time skip to tomorrow morning:
I wake up and decide that I'm gonna speak to finney no matter what and I'm gonna explain.

I haven't spoke to Donna yet I've been ignoring her since yesterday.

I get out off bed and go downstairs because I'm hungry.

My moms not there? I find a note 'sorry kids work wanted me earlier. theres waffles in the cupboard and syrup in the fridge I love you' it read.

I went to the cupboard and just grabbed a waffle.

I finished eating going upstairs into the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth washing my face and walking back into my room to get my clothes.

I pick this:

(Or smth else it doesn't matter💕)

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(Or smth else it doesn't matter💕)

I finish getting changed and just put on some mascara and lipgloss.

I walk downstairs put on my beaten up converse grab my school bag and head to school.

Time skip to school:
I'm waking to my locker and finney comes up to me.

"I saw you kiss Bruce" he says standing by me as I open my locker.

"I know you did" I answer bluntly.

"Why" he answered upset.

"Cause I was upset and it was in the moment, but why did u kiss my fucking sister" I quietly shout at him and walk off.

He stood there shook not knowing what to say but then he walks infront of me opening the janitors closet.

What a weirdo.

Until he goes in grabbing me with him, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" I whisper shout at him.

"Shut up, I'm gonna explain" he starts as I nod at him to continue.

"So basically when we were in the closet it was rlly awkward but when we both heard they were about to open it she suddenly leaned in and kissed me"he says.

", she wouldn't do that?" I ask confused.

"We'll she did" finney added.

"No...stop, that's not true" I say walking out of the janitors closet into the girls bathroom not knowing finney was tailing behind me.

when I walk in I see Donna washing her hands.

"Do you like him then?" I ask.

"No" she answers bluntly already knowing of what I was talking about.

"Then why did u kiss him?" I ask now getting annoyed with her.

"Cause I wanted you to see" she says standing there.

"What that's sick, you're sick" I say scoffing.

"No, I wanted you to realise how you feel." She says tugging down her dress looking abit nervous.

"I do know and so do you" I pause nervous because she looked nervous.

I pause.

"You knew, you knew I was just angry and you knew that I was still fucking in love with him!" I shout at her now annoyed.

As she lets out a sigh of relief I stand there confused.

"You finally admitted it to his face" Donna adds smiling faintly.

"What..." I say scared.

I turn around and see him wide eyes staring at me.

My eyes widen tears forming I push past him and run home not stoping to look back once.

It starts to rain as I turn the corner to my house tears running down my face.

I close the door sliding down it sobbing.

I needed to tell him but she shouldn't have done that I wasn't ready yet.

I was annoyed, not just at Donna or Finney, I was annoyed at myself.

Why did someone else have to trick me into getting to tell someone how I feel.

I just needed to tell him it wasn't that big of a deal.

Why did I drag it on.

This is my fault, why did I do tha- I get caught out of my thoughts.

Someone knocking at the door.

I stand up wiping my eyes.

"Finney?" I say confused.

"What are you doing you should be in class and it's pouring down" I ask him shocked.

"Yeah same goes for you I guess" he says chuckling.

A small smile spreads across my face as I grab an umbrella and we step outside...

To be continued...


Anyways hope you like this chapter cause I kept forgetting what I had to write and kept having to rely on the notes I took and I didn't even stick to them anyways 🤭🤭
Next chapter might be a bit cliche and cringe but we move and after that final chapter might add a random one were they're all just going to prom and it will just be a cute little end to the story so yeah thankss ILYSM CYAAA🤭💕💕

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