branches and scowls

384 26 32

A branch slapped y/n in the face.

Y/n scowled, rubbing the growing welt on their cheek. The man in white continued to stomp his way through the forest. There was a faint sound of rushing water, but y/n couldn't figure out where it was coming from.

"Shizun, do you even know where you're going?" Y/n called out after him. Liu Qingge's shoulders tensed, and his fists twitched. Ah shit, that's probably not a good sign. Fuck it, y/n's not in a particularly good mood either.

Who knew the War God of Bai Zhan Peak could be such a sulky baby? Y/n rolled their eyes, and looked behind them in case they were being followed.

"Of course I—!" The angry voice abruptly cut off and y/n snapped their attention back to Liu Qingge just in time to see him plummet into the foliage.

Y/n blinked in shock, then ran over in a panic. They quickly grabbed an overhead branch as their feet slipped out from under them, and loose gravel sprayed off of the jutting cliff and into the rocky ravine below.

Liu Qingge winced as gravel peppered his face. His bloody fingertips hung onto the jut in the cliff face, his other hand scrabbling for purchase on the smooth surface. Y/n knew their shizun was strong even without spiritual energy, but even the strongest of people can only dead hang with one arm for so long.

"Shizun—grab my hand!"

Liu Qingge scowled at y/n with gritted teeth, but his hanging arm was starting to tremble. Y/n stretched out further, their other arm holding onto a branch to keep them anchored. The rocky rapids rushed and splashed violently, and y/n suppressed a terrified shiver and tried not to look down.


"I GOT it—"

"LIU QINGGE. QUIT BEING FUCKING STUBBORN AND GRAB MY HAND," Y/n finally snapped, borderline hysterical.

Liu Qingge's glare grew deadly, but he finally reached out to grasp y/n's hand. Y/n drew on their spiritual energy reserve and began to pull him up.

Then the branch they were grabbing onto as an anchor...


They both fell into the ravine below.


As they fell, Liu Qingge felt Y/n's grip slipping. On instinct, he yanked y/n into his embrace and protected the back of their head. Water sprayed as they hit the surface, and the violent flow of water swept them away, tumbling head over toes.

Still, Liu Qingge's grip never loosened.

Y/n was about to have a heart attack. Oh fuck oh fuck oh FUCK they're not going to be flung off a waterfall now, are they???

The sound of rushing water grew louder, and both of them looked at each other in horror at the realization. Of COURSE there's a fucking waterfall! Of fucking course!!!

"Don't let go!" Liu Qingge shouted over the rushing water.

...It wasn't like Y/n had any choice???

Y/n wrapped their arms tightly around Liu Qingge and squeezed their eyes shut. The strong arms around them also tightened their hold.

They were swept over the edge.

Y/n screamed as the water swept them down and around, winding and twisting. Their head was protected from getting knocked on a rock from Liu Qingge's hand, and they were spit out into a small body of water.


Y/n still had their eyes squeezed shut, and their arms wrapped tightly around their shizun. After about a minute of this, their back was patted awkwardly and Liu Qingge cleared his throat.

The water was only a few feet deep. They were currently sitting in it, with Y/n's face pressed against the front of Liu Qingge's robes in terror.

Y/n abruptly let go of their shizun as if they had been burned, mortified. Then the reality of it all set in. Y/n broke into hysterical laughter. Hooooly fuck, y/n thought they were going to DIE!

"I-I am SO sorry—" Y/n wheezed through laughs. Tears were beginning to form in the corners of y/n's eyes.

Liu Qingge frowned in confusion, but mumbled, "Not your fault. I became careless."

Liu Qingge patted y/n's head to show he wasn't mad. Y/n almost choked, but hopefully it wasn't too noticeable. Did he learn this method from Shen Qingqiu or something???

Not like y/n was COMPLAINING, but still...!

Water sloshed and dripped from the fabric of his robes as he stood up, and held out a hand for y/n.


Y/n stared at the hand outstretched to them, surprise and something a lot more complicated making their heart do flips in their chest.

Y/n grabbed it.

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