Chapter 7

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Megan was the first to wake up out of the two. She had noticed another weight in the bed beside her making her try to recall last nights events. She knew for a fact her and Mark don't sleep in a shared bed so who the hell was beside her?

The blonde slowly rolled over coming face to face with a sound asleep Opal. Oh right the booze cruise, everything seemed to click into place as last nights events all came back to her.

Looking at the sleeping girl beside her Megan couldn't help but take in the girls features. How her chest heaved up and down in her sleep or how she had small freckles dotting her button nose which only made her plump lips look even more perfect.

"Stop staring." The girl mumbled eyes still closed although she could feel the woman practically breathing down her kneck.

"I-I wasn't staring." Megan quickly rolled over in a state of panic moving over too far until she rolled all the way off landing right on the floor with a loud thump.

Opal finally peeked her eyes open at the loud noise sitting up in bed finding the woman nowhere in sight. "Did you just fall out of the fucking bed?" She peered over the side of the bed finding a pile of blankets on the floor. "Megan?"

"Yeah" the woman mumbled pulling the sheet off her face as she glanced up at the girl who was towering over her. The girl looked down at the woman in udder amusement.

"It's not funny" Megan glared as Opal attempted to bite down a laugh. "It's a little funny" she stated as a grin spread across her features.

A knock at the door suddenly interrupted both woman.


The girl stumbled out of bed stepping over Megan who laid on the floor as she scrambled to the door.

"Hey Stacy!" Opal opened the door acting a bit more jumpy than usual.


Stacy looked over at her sister who was standing in her doorway still in her pajamas, a slight bit of judgment crossed the older girls features at her sisters lack of appearance before she remembered why she was here in the first place. "Have you seen dad he's not answering my phone calls and he's not in his room."

"Nope" Opal popped the "p" subtly attempting to close her door.

"Hey how was that booze cruise-

A thud followed by a quiet yelp grabbed both sisters attention. "What was that?"

"What was what?" Opal acted clueless mentally cursing at the fact Stacy decided today was the day she would actually have a normal conversation with the girl.

"What's going on in there?" The blonde couldn't help but be the nosey sister she is as she attempted to glance past the doorway.

"Nothing okay bye!" Opal attempted to slam her door shut.

"Oh my god did you finally have someone in your room last night because-

The girl finally slammed her door closed fully locking her sister out of her room.

"Sorry about that." Megan peeked her head around the corner.

"It's fine" Opal waved off. "You should probably go find my dad before he gets worried of your whereabouts."

"Yeah, um thanks for-

"Yeah no problem." Opal hastily breathed out as she smiled up at the woman.

After making sure the coast was clear in the hallway Megan then left the girls room.

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