Chapter 1

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"Opal get up you have to meet your father at the airport in an hour." Her Mother wakes the girl up by knocking on her bedroom door. The brunette girl rolled over groaning at the thought of having to see her father in an hour who she despises with great passion.

"I think I'm paralyzed guess I can't go!" The girl yells to her mom through the door. "Get up your going, I have a business trip I have to leave for anyways."

The girl rolls her eyes before taking a quick shower and making sure she has all her belongings packed for the week trip to Cuba.

Considering it was going to be a long day of flying and driving she decided on a pair of grey sweat pants and a tank top knowing she wanted to be comfy. She pulled her wavy hair back into a pony leaving in her small gold hoop earrings her mom had got her for her birthday last year.

"Okay I'm heading out now" Opal said goodbye to her mom knowing she wasn't going to see her for awhile before getting in her cab to take her to the airport.

The cab ride to the airport was silent as Opal observed the busy streets and multiple cars that passed her along the way. The cab smelt of old leather and smoke which wasn't the most pleasant smell to deal with, but she would've rather stayed in the cab the rest of her life than have to go on this damn vacation.

"Kill me now" the girl mumbled to herself as she stepped out of the vehicle coming face to face with her father, older sister and someone she didn't seem to recognize who all stood at the front gate.

Her dad had quite a fair amount of money meaning her family was taken care of pretty well. When her parents split, her sister Stacy moved out while Opal stayed with her mom. The girl in all honesty hadn't seen her father in years and so when he booked a trip with his two daughters Opal wanted to die in a hole. Her mom had convinced her to go on the trip telling her it would be a good bonding experience even though the woman despised her ex-husband as well.

"Your late" Stacy crossed her arms unimpressed as her blonde pin straight hair and fare skin glared at the girl. Her and her older sister were quite different, Opal having wavy brown locks and olive skin while her sister looked like she came from the movie legally blonde, the only thing the two had in common were their hazel eyes. "Hi to you too." She greeted back as she didn't even glance in her fathers direction. "Dad" was all she said as she walked right passed him and the unknown woman who stood beside.

On their way through the airport Stacy had informed the girl that although they were sitting first class the tickets weren't all beside each other meaning they would all sit in separate areas of the plane. A bit of relief filled her miserable self as that meant she would get some time to herself before having to spend a whole week with her family from hell.

Stacy shoved passed the girl trying to be the first on the plane even if they did have assigned seats. Next was her father and the blonde woman who stood beside him quietly, the girl couldn't see the woman's full face as her eyes were covered by sunglasses however she did take in the rest of the woman's appearance. She had honey blonde hair that framed her face nicely as she dressed in white jeans that hugged her curves and a blouse that had the first few buttons undone leaving the rest up to imagination. Whoever the woman was Opal couldn't help but admire how well she presented herself.

"Opal your at the back of the plane" Stacy informed the girl as the brunette took her time walking to the back and sitting in the empty seat.

Looking up Opal came face to face with the blonde woman who sat in the seat across from the girl. Her dad and Stacy sat a few rows up. She gave a tight lip smile before ignoring the woman all together and looking out the small window as the plane took off.

Once the plane had fully taken off waiters began to come around offering champagne. Opal happily accepted two glasses knowing she wasn't gonna survive this trip sober. The blonde woman who sat across from the girl watched as she quickly downed both drinks in seconds. Judgment crossed her features for a slight second as she stared at the girl underneath her sunglasses. It was odd the woman thought to herself. Opal's father had informed the woman about his youngest daughter and how she could be a bit of a handful but in all honesty she found Stacy to be the most annoying out of the two knowing she hadn't even had a conversation or introduction with the brunette yet. All she knew of the girl was that she may be a bit of an alcoholic by the amount of liquor her tiny body consumed in a matter of seconds.

"You must be Opal" The blonde was the first to start a conversation. Opals hazel eyes looked up at the woman as she watched her finally take off her sunglasses to reveal two piercing green eyes that almost seemed to stare into her soul. "I'm Megan, your fathers fiancé."

Opal froze at the woman's words not expecting her father to be in a relationship. Glancing down at the woman's hand she noticed a small diamond ring placed on her ring finger. "Your his fiancé?" She laughed to herself. "I figured you were his assistant or something considering how young you look compared to him." The woman was a bit taken back by the girls words, although she knew there was an age gap between the two she also hadn't expected the girl to be so forward when she discussed the topic.

"Are you a gold digger or something?" Was the girls next question which seemed to fill Megan with a slight bit of rage. "Excuse me?" She said back sounding offended.

"Look lady I'm gonna need a few more drinks in my system if we're gonna continue this conversation so just give me a few minutes." She watched as the girl stood up making her way over to the bar. Maybe she was wrong about Stacy being the bratty one of the two. Although the girl came off quiet at first Megan found that when her mouth opened she was a ball of fire that she seemed to already despise. "What a little bitch" she thought to herself as she watched the brunette get farther and farther away from her seat.

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