Chapter 10

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"I feel like I'm in a cult." Opal complained looking down at the white robe that covered her figure. Megan had soon followed walking out of the change room to be met with an unimpressed brunette.

"Stop complaining this is supposed to be relaxing."

"No offense, but my idea of relaxing doesn't include creepy music and people touching me for a day." Opals explanation of a spa day made Megan cringe at how unappealing she managed to make it sound.

"Come on"

Both woman walked into a sauna taking seats on opposite benches. They had been the only two in the steamy room and so the silence was loud.

Opal swung her dangling feet back and forth as she started to feel the warmth radiate off her body from the steam. She looked up at Megan noticing the woman's robe was tied loosely leaving a bit too much cleavage exposed. Opal couldn't help but bite her lip at the thought of what was underneath the fuzzy attire that the blonde was wearing. Her eyes traveled up the woman's torso coming up to her face however she instead was met with sharp green eyes already looking at her. Opal quickly turned away clearing her throat knowing that Megan had seen the girl obviously eyeing her a little too much to be normal.

"I'm hot can we go to the next room?" The girl left the sauna in a hurry.

"I'm not getting in that." Megan looked at the brown mud that lay in a tub. Opal had already gone into the cool mud bath, happily sitting in her bathing suit as her body was submerged in mud.

"Oh come on Megan, I thought you said this was supposed to be relaxing?" The woman grimaced at the idea of the slimy texture she would rather die than have to sit in.

Devilishly eyeing the woman Opal had another idea up her sleeve as she grabbed a handful of mud chucking it onto the woman's chest as her mouth opened in shock.

"See it's not that bad." The girl sheugged looking at the shocked and unimpressed Megan who stood before her. "You little-

Before she could finish her sentence Opal threw more mud landing directly on Megan's face. "Opal!" She wiped the shit like texture off her face finally wanting her revenge. "That was for ruining my hookup earlier" The girl crossed her arms looking impressed by her work.

A few seconds later Opal felt a cold substance land on her head. "Bitch you got it in my hair!" The girl shrieked standing up quickly to look at a now smiling Megan. "Oh your gonna pay-

"I don't really appreciate getting a call from the manager saying I have to pay a fine for vandalism at the spa." Both girls stood in front of Mark still in their bathing suits and covered in dried mud as they walked behind him to their floor. "I mean sure I expected this behaviour from Opal but seriously Megan your 26 throwing mud around like a child."

"Mark it was stupid we won't-

"It wasn't stupid" Opal piped in. "That was the most fun I've had the whole trip and you shouldn't be taking this out on Megan I was the one who started it." Opal didn't really mind how her dad was scolding her but the fact that he was also taking it out on Megan as if it was her responsibility pissed the girl off for some reason. "Megan's been a better person to me than you have the whole trip so maybe before you start complaining about how childish she is you should learn how to be a better father first." Opal slammed her door shut hating how her father had always been super strict and distant. She paced her room back and fourth a few times still covered in mud but deep in thought. Every word that had tumbled out of her mouth a few seconds ago due to the rage and fire she was feeling had slowly started to dwindle away into fear and guilt. Opal was now feeling anxious and regretful of her choice of words towards her father even if she knew deep down that they were the truth.

A knock at her door made Opal open it back up as she met the blonde standing in front of her.

"Do you mind if I shower in here I don't really wanna go back into my room when Marks still pissed off." Opal let the woman in as she turned on the running water. Almost getting déjà vu from when they've showered together previous nights.

Both of them stood underneath the stream of water as they washed away all the mud that had solidified on their bodies. They never really got to finish their day at the spa after getting kicked out after one of the workers walked into the mess the two had made.

"You still have mud on your face." Opal lightly laughed wiping her hand over the woman's cheek without thinking. Megan turned a crimson shade at the affectionate action from the girl even if it was just a kind gesture.

"Why are you always so tense around me?"

"Opal I'm not tense."

"Yes you are." The girl couldn't help but notice over the past few days of their trip how Megan would be comfortable around Opal one minute and the next she was doing everything in her power to keep distance from her.

Megan sighed still trying to figure out her feelings towards Opal while also pushing anything she felt away knowing it was wrong. "It's just..." she couldn't find the words as she gazed up into the girls hazel eyes who awaited an answer. "Nothing it's nothing." She shook her head walking out of the shower and wrapping a towel around herself. Opal sighed getting annoyed at how Megan would constantly run every time their conversations became more personal.

Opal quickly changed in the bathroom as did Megan both of them ignoring the others lingering eyes. The two waiting for the other to break the silence first. "Your annoying Megan." Opal stated as she took a seat in her bed flipping through Channels.

"I could say the same about you" Megan chided in knowing two could play at that game.

"It's our last night here." Megan spoke the thing that both of them knew was coming to an end. Although Opal didn't exactly want to go on the trip at first she felt a sliver of disappointment at the thought of losing contact with Megan knowing that after today her father would be out of her life again for who knows how long.

"I think I'm gonna miss you." The girl finally confessed as she looked over at Megan who had her back turned away from her. There was a long pause of silence shared between the two as both of them were fighting their inner demons.

"Yeah um...I'm gonna head out, I need to clear the air with Mark before the flight tomorrow."

Opal couldn't see Megans face though if she did she would have known the woman felt the same as the blonde wiped a tear off her cheek. "Goodnight Opal." And with that Megan left almost talking as if it was a goodbye. Opals heart shattered at the fact she was finally being vulnerable with the woman and instead of showing any remorse back Megan had shut the girl out for good.

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