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      Remember. Such an interesting word. I am aware that I'm a person. I remember what I am: A girl who fell asleep for almost 2 weeks. I remember that I can breathe, I can feel, and I can think. My memory expands infinitely from the present, and into the foreseeable future—if I even have one, of course—but I can't seem to access my memories from the past.

To remember something is really cool. You get to experience everything again inside your head. You get to re-live your best memories from the past in the comfort of your own mind.

I can remember that I forgot something.
But I can't remember what.

Here I am, nothing but an oxygen mask covering my face, and a blue gown being the only thing stopping me from committing public indecency. A tube was running beside me, pumping a clear liquid into my hand. I think it leads to my hand, I mean, I can't really move my neck to check. I can't move anything at all and my eyelids feel like bricks.

My arms. All good.

Legs? Fine.

All is good for now but I can't feel anything, and I want to sleep. I can not do that though, not If I want to survive. Would I die if I fell asleep? Probably not, but I'm not risking it.

I hear a voice as a figure suddenly towered over me, covering the lights on the ceiling. I heard what sounded a lot like celebrating. Yeah, panicked, silent celebrating, like learning that someone woke up after weeks of sleeping. Was I in a coma? I feel like I was. What happened anyway? I was in the middle of the road, I heard a voice trying to wake me up and I remember hanging upside down, and then it all fades to black after that.

I guess I've gotten into a car crash. I don't really remember much, I still remember how to talk, do I? I mean, I can recite my ABCs perfectly in my head. But is that it? Can I not verbally talk? 

I put all my strength into my lips and try my best to talk.

"Where am I?" I was able to move my mouth. HELL YEAH!

"You're awake." The woman beside me says. She stands up and walks closer to the side of my bed. "You're awake." She repeats.

I tried talking. No use, my tongue feels numb. Oh god, did my tongue disappear? No, that's not a possibility. Is it? I don't know. This is all very confusing, one moment I was outside, and the next thing I knew, I'm here, lying down on a hospital bed with a woman sitting just a few inches away from me. Everything was a blur, like when you accidentally spill water on a watercolor painting that was still wet; leaving splotches of abstract color all around the canvas. No meaning. Not yet at least.


Christy? What a pretty name, it was probably me. I'm Christy, Christy Trenton. Yeah, I am me. I remember my name, that's a good start.

"Do you know what happened to you?"

I gather up all the strength I could and focused it on moving my mouth and trying to whimper out a "Who?"

"She can talk, doc, she can talk. Oh, Christy. Thank heavens you're awake." The woman says.

"Mom?" I blurted out. I don't remember who she was, or how she ended up inside this room with me, but I'm 99% sure she was my mom, she had to be.

"Yes, this is me, Christy. I'm your mother. I love you so much."

Why am I here? I would have said.

"You were in a coma, sweetie." She says as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

Coma, I was right. A car crash probably—

"You were involved in a car crash with—."

Two for two, I'm on a roll.

I close my eyes and forget to open them back up.

I had just blacked out.

I had no doubt that this was my mother, her touch was familiar. Comforting. WOAH! I can feel her hand on mine. My hand isn't numb anymore, that's great!

I try to lift it. No luck.

I feel half of my body elevate, putting me in a semi-sitting position.

"Is that better?" My mother asks me.

I nod. My neck feels like it could use some oil, but I can move it now.

I try to open my eyes wider, catching the sight of a figure on the hospital door a few steps from my bed, his arm was in a splint. Who was he? I mean, I don't remember inviting a tall guy inside. Not that I don't want him inside here, I only had my eyes open for a split second, but I can see that he had a rough body.

A defined jawline, thick eyebrows, and watery eyes. 

Watery eyes. 

He was crying.

One second I close my eyes, the other he was gone, and so was my mother.

Who was he?   

It doesn't matter right now, I need to get up.

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