Chapter 5

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Willow-my best friend since elementary, one of the best people to ever exist-was getting carried by Dan up the stairs. A small, helpless woman was getting manhandled by her husband.

"Release me you vile beast!" Willow yells out as she laughs, softly hitting Dan's back as she dangles her feet.

"Don't worry. This is a private moment. Let them be, love."

With yelp, she reaches her hand to me. "No! I don't want to!" She says. "Christy! I promise I'll be back!"

"Don't worry, you guys! I'll have her calmed down in a minute." Dan says, quickly walking up the stairs, going inside their room and closing the door behind them.

It was past midnight and I had just texted my mom that Gale and I will be staying the night at Willow's place. The others had already gone home, and Willow was getting fucked by Dan. Kidding, I don't think they're the type of people to have sex with guests inside their home. Though you can't really blame me, they were all touchy-feely earlier, so I really had no reason to think that they weren't motioning each other for sexy time.

Now it was just me, and Gale. All alone in their living room, seated at Willow's fluffy, large velvet sofa with just a few inches of distance between us. Just a few minutes after Dave had ruined the vibe. And god, it was awkward.

With a conversation waiting, I try to open my mouth by asking him why he always smells liked lavender, but I see him shift his gaze towards me.

"Christy," Gale says.

I smile in response.

He looks at me with the most crestfallen expression on his face. "I'm very sorry," he says. His voice was low and sad.

Again, why was he sorry? If it wasn't for me, Dave wouldn't have come here. how did that douche even know that we were here? Stalker son of a bitch.

I sigh. "Tell me, Gale. Tell me why you're sorry," I say, scooching a bit closer to him. "I really want to know."

You have no reason to be sorry, Gale. You shouldn't be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. I would have said. But I was genuinely curious about what he thinks he did wrong.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I. . . I got mad and I almost. . . God, I'm such an idiot." He says while he runs a hand down his face.


He glances at me and hums.

Without hesitation, I wrap my arms around him, giving him a hug.

"What are you doing?" He says.

"Giving you a hug. A proper one." I laugh. "Unlike the one I tried giving you back when I fainted."

I feel the vibration on my chest when he hums.

"Thank you," I say, wrapping my arms tighter.

I feel Gale shift his body on the seat to face me. "I almost snapped, Christy. I almost hurt someone, that's not something to thank me for." He shakes his head and presses his palms into his eyes. "That's not something to be happy about. It's not something I like doing. What I did wasn't. . ." He trails off, running his fingers down his face again. With a sharp sigh, he says: "I don't want you thinking I'm. . . I don't hurt people. I don't do that."

He was genuinely sad this time. And I'm getting pissed off that he is.

"Shut up." I say, sighing into his shoulder. "Keyword: almost, Gale. You almost hurt him. I understand how you feel, but you stood up for me. And that's all that matters. Dave was such a bitch, he treated me like I was some sort of toy he could use over and over again, expecting zero consequences. I've already dumped him ages ago but he still tried getting back, causing that shitshow that happened earlier. But you defended me. You and Victor. You stood your ground against the asshole. You were willing to risk getting hurt for me, you were willing to throw down with Dave just to make him get out of my sight." I pause when I feel his warm hand snake over to mine which was now resting on his arm. "Gale. Thank you, I appreciate you for going through the effort of trying to make me feel better. You succeeded, Gale. Thank you so much."

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