Background Info

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Everyone was invited back for their 7th year but Harry and Ron instead went to arour training. During the summer after the war before the start of term Harry and Ginny got closer but Ron and Hermione realized they were better off as friends. Sometime during the first week of school Draco, Blaise, and Pansy come up to Hermione and Ginny and deeply apologize for how they acted in school and the whole thing about being a death eater. The 2 eventually forgave them for the bullying but as far as the deatheaterness goes the 2 knew that the kids were forced to fight their parent's battles and knew that it wasn't their fault. Over their year they became close friends and Hermione (or Mia as she likes to be called), Ginny, and Pansy soon realized that they work really good together and all have good fashion sense so after school they decided to open up their own fashion store called HM-GP-PZ which quickly went up in the market. As for Draco and Blaise, they started their own chain of hotels called 'The Slitherdor Hotels' which also quickly went up in business. Hermione and Draco admitted they had feelings for each other and soon started dating. Harry and Ginny sent owls constantly to keep in touch. Then about 6 months after school the three boys (Draco, Blaise, and Harry) decided to do a triple proposal because they knew how close the girls are and figured it would be even more special that way. Obviously, they said 'yes' and then a year and a half later they had 3 weddings. (They didn't have a triple wedding like they originally planned because they figured that A. they wanted that day to be about them and the union between the people that they love and them. And B. they all had different themes they wanted to go with so; on February 28th, 2009 (My parent's anniversary), Hermione Granger became Hermione Malfoy. She had Pansy and Ginny be her bridesmaids and in this story, Mia had a sister so she was the maid of honor. She had the Weasley fam there, her parents, grandparents, Draco's mum (his dads in Azkaban to no one's disappointment) Harry and Teddy (who is standing with Mia as her bridesmen), Andometria (Tonks's mom), and Tonks's dad, Blaise (whos Dracos 'Best Man)', Luna and Neville who are also engaged, and Seamus and Dean who are married and have an adopted daughter Minnie May Tomas. Ginny and Pansy have the same people except in Pansys in which she didn't include Dean, Seamus, their daughter, Andometria, or Tonk's dad. Ginny's wedding was on March 6th, 2009 (My dad's bday) and Pansys was on March 13th, 2009 (My (dead btw) brothers bday) After that Mia went on to have Scorp and Lyra (September 5th, 2009) (My birthday. Not birth year tho! lol) Ginny had James (June 6th, 2009) (My sis bday), and Pansy had Neon. Lavender (Lav) had Rose. A year later Ginny had Albus. A year after that Lav had Hugo, and then a year after that Ginny had Lily. Now it's 2026 and Mia, Draco (Dray), Ginny, Harry, Ron, Lav, Blaise, and Pansy are saying goodbye to their eldest baby(s) at Kings cross station for the last time. Then they will go on with their lives and start families of their own. This takes place 20 years after the war and is from different people's POVs. It will mainly be centered on the kids and their life at Hogwarts but will have the parents in there to sense they are a part of the kid's lives.

Love yall thx so much for reading!!!

Also, this is my first book so 1. don't hate it if it isn't well put together 2. If you don't like the sippings you can leave you don't have to be here.

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