Ch. 12 Life

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Scorp POV:

I was lying in bed and stretched my arms out. "Gumornin'" I say "Goodmorning amor" Olivia says "Do you want some breakfast?" I ask her "Yes, please. Just some toast and eggs please." "Ok" I respond. I put a pair of pants on and make my way downstairs to start to make breakfast. "I'm gonna take a shower real quick ok love?" she calls from upstairs. "Ok" I call back. When she comes downstairs she is wearing an oversized T-Shirt of mine and some boyshorts. "Here you go, love. Are you feeling alright?" I ask giving her a plate of food. She smiles at me but I can see she clearly has lost her appetite. "Darling it's alright. You don't have to eat I understand." I tell her "Do you want to eat something different or not at all?" She looks at me for a second. And I could see the love in her eyes. "I love you so much she said and I would 100% kiss you right now, or hug you or something" she started to say but her voice was getting more distant. "But right now." I rush over and guide her to the bathroom pulling her hair out of her face. "It's all right darling siriusly!" I tell her for the millionth time as she apologizes again. "I love you so much and I know that this is what it takes to create something beautiful with you." Then I remembered something that she told me back in our Hogwarts days. "Speaking of beautiful, what if we did some painting? You're amazing at it. We could go up to that hill we love and paint the London eye with the Bell in the background or something. Does that sound like something you're up for?" I ask her. "Yeah! That sounds amazing!" She responds. "We'll make a day of it tomorrow." She calls from upstairs.

~The next day~

Lyra POV:

"Alright! I'm ready to let's go!" I call him. As we take a cab to a part of town where we can walk up the hill (I wasn't up for walking that much). I'm looking at Scorp who has a picnic basket in his lap. I take his hand and he turns to me. I caress his hand smiling up at him. "I love you" I mouth to him and he mouths it back. We eventually get to the Hill spot. I'm slightly out of breath and my back is a bit sore but I still wear a smile on my face. We sit down beneath a tree that looks similar to the Whomping Willow. I start to paint and suddenly the world fades away. Suddenly it's just me, the paintbrush, and the beautiful view. I eat a chocolate croissant before starting. Then, the light slips away. I's sunset and I rest beneath the tree looking at the view. I take a picture of it before continuing my work looking at the picture for details. The eye looks like it was so close I could touch it. Like I could reach my hand out and it would come back with a mini model of the eye and beautiful colored cotton candy. (A/N: Picture of her painting vvv)

When the last bit of light fades and the sun hides behind us waiting to pop out tomorrow, we leave

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When the last bit of light fades and the sun hides behind us waiting to pop out tomorrow, we leave. As we walk down the hill, this time I am not out of breath. We walk at a leisurely pace. My hand intertwined with Scorps my head resting lightly on his bicep. We walk in silence admiring the trees in spring. Flowers starting to bloom. Before I know it we get into our flat and I lay down on the couch setting my painting down on the table. Scorp says something but I only half hear him. I nod my head slightly and slip into the amazing world of dreams. I dream of cotton candy and painting and sunsets. I dream dreams little girls have and when I come to consciousness in the morning I'm in my bed with strong arms around me. I turn over so my face is nuzzled in his chest. "Goodmorning love. How long have you been up?" I ask "About 10 minutes. Not long. You looked so peaceful laying here I didn't want to wake you." He responds. I give him a peak on the lips before immediately running to the bathroom and losing my lunch. I soon felt soft hands caress my neck and pull my hair away. "I'm sorry," I tell him. "Stop. Apologizing." He tells me. I nod my head as another round comes up.

Later, we sit in the living room on our fluffy couch, watching TV. I look over at him and lay my head on his chest. I love him so much. "You are the best Husband you know that?" I tell him. "Oh, I know." He says smirking. I playfully hit his chest laughing. I love this life and couldn't ask for a better one. I love my life with my amazing Husband. I love my life with our growing family. Speaking of which, I made a note to myself, we need to go to the shelter next week to pick up a dog.

A/N: Alright, what did you think? To chessy? To bland? Good? Meh? Please Please PLEASE let me know in the comments. Your feedback really helps to make a better story because this is my first book. Just so you know *whispers* I'm planning on making a sequel. *normal* What do you think? Should I? Don't worry though, this story isn't nearly over. Love ya'll! - Slitherdor QUEEN09

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