Ch. 3 Secrets

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Rose POV

These teachers are going to get one heck of an ending to this year.

I look over at the gang who are all exchanging glances and smirks with each other and I can tell these teachers are going to get one heck of an ending to this year. "Well, open it!" lily says to me because the owl had landed in front of me. I give it a treat and take the letter off its leg and start to read the letter.

Dear Rosie,

Of course ill help you plan your pranks, I mean do you know me at all?! You know back in my and Freddy's 7th year there, there was this really mean lady who was very strict and cruel and generally not a good person so you know what we did? We completely trashed the school! We knew that Mcgonagle could have fixed it in an instant but she didn't and left it to Umbridge was her name because she too hated her. Anyway, my point is, I know a little bit about leaving your mark so I will certainly help you leave your


- George Weasley

"He said yes!" I told them handing them the letter. "Wait, your uncle owns 'Weasley Wizard Weases'!!" Neon said shocked. "You never made that connection before?!" I said giggling a little. "Nah. I'm surprised the great 'Rose Weasley' got something wrong" he said "and what might that be" I asked "You thought I had more than 2 brain cells plus you overestimated my ability to put 2 and 2 together." he answered and then everyone started laughing except me who just rolled my eyes but ended up giggling as well. "Alright so here's the plan, we start at the astronomy tower so everyone goes up there, and then after a few minutes the second and third explosions on the 4th floor, boys go left, girls go right for some reason, *the boys nod* and then the fireworks that say all our names * at this the boys smirk like they know something but I continue* right where my uncles did it the first time and then we ride off on brooms with our stuff to the black lake where we chill and have a picnic until we leave on the Hogwarts Express to start the *girls simultaneously* "rest of our lives" the girls then sighed while I heard some of the boys mumble things like "how do they do that?" and "freaky" and "tha' creeped me out mate" and the murmurs of agreement.

Alright, I know that wasn't a very long chapter but why do you guys think the boys want to split up on the 4th floor instead of continuing together? Is it faster to do the fireworks that way or do you think that they are planning something? And why did they smirk when she said the fireworks would spell their names? What are they up to? Find out in future chapters. :)

- SlitherdorQUEEN09

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