Ch. 8 Tests

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Wedding dresses and rings. Mix and match numbers and letters with whoever then write it in the comments if you want. Ex: 1, B Lyra, 4, C Olivia

 Ex: 1, B Lyra, 4, C Olivia

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~1 yr later~ On Mother's Day

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~1 yr later~ On Mother's Day

- Albus proposed to Lena on Vday

- Jyra, Slivia had s** on Vday

Lyra POV:

Me and Olivia were in the loo talking about what to do. How in the world are we going to tell the boys!? Welp guess we better start sucking it up and get out of here cause it stinks. "Alright, we'll tell them at the same time in the kitchen. Ok?" I said to her "K. let's this before I lose my mind" she responded. "Probably best if I get some alcohol in them." I suggested "yeah that's probably best." she answered "ok." As we went down the stairs we could hear that Neon and Rose were there. Perfect. When Rose saw us she dragged us back into the loo and pulled out something. "OMG ROSE U 2!!" Olivia exclaimed "1st off pipe down idiot and 2nd what do you mean 'you to'?" she asked "well," we said and then pulled out ours. "OH-" she started but then there was banging at the door and we heard the boy's voices. "We HeArD sCrEaMiNg!" they said in unison with worried tone but trying and failing not to show. "We are fiiiinnnneee stop being so dramatic!" Rose said then I added, "Just give us a sec stay there but we need to discuss something real quick. K?" I asked and they agreed. "So here's what I'm thinking," I say "we alhamora the door and have us standing in the room all with our arms outstretched with the tests in our hands" and they agree. When I opened the door they saw us and we said simultaneously "We're pregnant" it then took them a second to realize why our arms were outstretched but we never wavered from our positions. The first thing I heard was various shouts and screams and I was on the verge of crying but then I realized they were shouts of joy and I was about to cry of joy. But then we heard a thud. I raced over and saw James and Scorp laying on the floor after fainting. "Just like their fathers" I tsked and every conscious person laughed. Later when the boys had regained consciousness everyone was sitting on the couch and talking about the babies. "OMG," Rose squealed "It's crazy how close our babies are going to be! :))" "Yeah" Liv added "They are going to tell each other everything and what's even crazier is that when our kids our born me and Lay will finally be family for real. I mean we were sisters-in-law when I married Scorp but marriages do end, but with these babies, we have a blood bond." She said sniffling and Lyra ran across to her and hugged her hard. "Awww that's so cute." Rose said "You were always our sister though more mine though because that would make this," I said gesturing to Scorp and Olivia "hella weird" and everyone laughed.

~1 month later~

Lyra POV:

We went over to my in-law's house and to say that I was nervous was an understatement. I was so unsure of how Harry would react when we told him but I was fairly certain that she would be happy. So, we walked, down the hallway, out the door, down that pathway, and James asked for the millionth time, "Are you sure you want to do this Lay?" "Yes!" I responded, "now let's go before I change my mind!" So we apparated. Walked down the path, opened the white picket fence, down another path, up the steps, deep breath, and knocked. When the door opened thankfully Ginny was standing there. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Hi, Ginny." I greeted "Hey! What brings you to our humble abode?" She responded happily inviting us in "When James was in school-" She started "Mum please don't!" James pleaded but she ignored him "-I would have to invite you as well, not that that was a bad thing, in order to get him to come home for Christmas and Easter." she finished and I looked at James smirking "married for a year now and there are still things I didn't know about you," I said in a mocking tone but James just groaned into his hands which had placed on his face. "Ginny we actually came because I wanted to talk with you about something. Is there somewhere private we can go?" I asked "Of course! You'll learn that the further you get into your marriage the more you'll need time to yourself." She said "follow me." and she lead me to a balcony facing the backyard which made me remember when me, James, Liv, Neon, Rose, Albus, Lena, and Luna (who btw has a bf) would all hang out and that made me smile. "Ginny I need to show you something." I said "Ok." she responded curious "What is it? You know you can tell me anything right?" "Yeah, I know," I said and took a deep breath. Then I showed her my phone with which I had taken a picture of the test.

All right! Did you guys like it!? I tried to add a bit of suspense to it. How did I do? Luv ya'll! -SlitherdorQUEEN09

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